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As the apartment door swings open, and you enter cautiously, your senses heightened, silently bracing yourself for the unknown.

There is nobody home, the emptiness echoing through the rooms like a ghostly whisper.

๐Ÿค” Select Your Move

{A} Thoroughly search the apartment
{B} Leave the apartment, closing the door behind you.


Like a diligent explorer traversing an uncharted landscape, you meticulously comb through every corner of the apartment, each step fueling your progress towards the hidden treasure you fervently seek.

You look for a weapon first and have a good idea of what to look for - something hard, preferably sharp, something that you can swing or shoot.

As luck would have it, you've found the perfect weapon - a Shotgun with plenty of ammo. You've obviously stumbled into the right apartment here although it's a good thing the owner isn't here any more.

It's not the subtlest of weapons, but you're fairly confident that you don't need subtle.

You toss the Baseball Bat to one side and feel an increased sense of confidence that you'll get through this alive.

Your stomach rumbles and you turn your attention to food, searching the cupboards, fridge and freezer for anything that might be edible.

The best you can find is a half-consumed bag of popcorn which you eat hurriedly.

You health has increased by 0.7.

Having combed through every nook and cranny of the apartment, leaving a trail of disarray in your wake, you return to the corridor to continue your adventure.

You're cautious to recheck the rest of the corridor and are relieved to see that it's all clear.

๐Ÿค” Select Your Move

{A} Look in Apartment 12 (Locked)
{B} Look in Apartment 13
{C} Try to access the West stairwell (next to you)
{D} Look in Apartment 14
{E} Look in Apartment 15
{F} Look in Apartment 16
{G} Look in Apartment 17
{H} Head to the East stairwell (at the other end of the corridor)

{B}oom! Time to find some zombies...

As you open the apartment door, a feint, regular beeping sound begins. Beep... beep... beep...

As you cautiously step inside, you find the source and as you get closer, it springs into full life. A deafening alarm squeals, designed to ward off unwanted intruders.

There's no hope of sneaking around now - any zombies on your floor will surely be heading in your direction!

๐Ÿค” Select Your Move

{A} Quickly search the apartment
{B} Quickly leave the apartment.


Through the defening squeal, you search the apartment. It appears to be newly refurbished, containing no furniture nor possessions.

You are fortunate to find the fuse for the alarm and pop it out of its casing, ending the infernal noise.

With the apartment cleared, you know that you have no option other than to head back outside, hoping that you get away with this latest setback.

You're cautious to recheck the rest of the corridor and are relieved to see that it's all clear.

๐Ÿค” Select Your Move

{A} Look in Apartment 12 (Locked)
{B} Look in Apartment 13 (Locked)
{C} Try to access the West stairwell (next to you)
{D} Look in Apartment 14
{E} Look in Apartment 15
{F} Look in Apartment 16
{G} Look in Apartment 17
{H} Head to the East stairwell (at the other end of the corridor)

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