
You head down the stairs and are relieved that the landing is clear. You look to head down again but you are overwhelmed by the feeling that you'd be missing out on something magical if you did.

Instead, you see that the stairwell door on the 2nd floor is ajar and choose to head through it.

Reply {A} when you're ready to explore the 2nd floor.

Well, if I have to... I think I smell something eatable... maybe it's @chriddi who has found the pan lifter and is frying a fried egg...

You step out into the 2nd floor corridor and are suddenly attacked by 2 zombies! SHIT!



The zombie strikes first and barely touches you, reducing your Health by 0.8.

You're attacked by the other zombie which barely touches you, reducing your Health by 0.4.



You start to fight back and land the perfect blow with your Axe reducing the zombie's Health by 14.

It's the killer blow and you turn your attentions to the next zombie.



The next zombie attacks you and catches you with a glancing blow, reducing your Health by 1.



You start to fight back and land the perfect blow with your Axe reducing the zombie's Health by 14.

It's the killer blow and the fight is over.

The battle proved beneficial to your ability to attack with power and your Strength has increased.

You feel relief to have come out of the fight relatively unscathed and prepare to continue your journey.

You check the rest of the corridor and see a zombie, that hasn't noticed you yet.

🤔 Select Your Move

{A} Attack the Zombie in front of you
{B} Try to escape into Apartment 12
{C} Try to escape into Apartment 13
{D} Try to escape into the stairwell next to you

After this thrill, I first have to escape into an apartment....

As you open the apartment door, a feint, regular beeping sound begins. Beep... beep... beep...

As you cautiously step inside, you find the source and as you get closer, it springs into full life. A deafening alarm squeals, designed to ward off unwanted intruders.

There's no hope of sneaking around now - any zombies on your floor will surely be heading in your direction!

🤔 Select Your Move

{A} Quickly search the apartment
{B} Quickly leave the apartment.

Oh no, that's terrible... let's take a look anyway {A}

Through the defening squeal, you search the apartment. It appears to be newly refurbished, containing no furniture nor possessions.

You are fortunate to find the fuse for the alarm and pop it out of its casing, ending the infernal noise.

With the apartment cleared, you know that you have no option other than to head back outside, hoping that you get away with this latest setback.

Your luck is out and as you get outside, a zombie instantly attacka you! DAMN!



The zombie strikes first and catches you with a glancing blow, reducing your Health by 1.



You start to fight back and you catch the zombie with your Axe reducing the zombie's Health by 7.5.

The zombie fights back and hits you strongly, reducing your Health by 1.2.



You attack again and land the perfect blow with your Axe reducing the zombie's Health by 15.

It's the killer blow and the fight is over.

After this battle, you feel that your luck is improving.

You feel relief to have come out of the fight relatively unscathed and prepare to continue your journey.

You're cautious to recheck the rest of the corridor and are relieved to see that it's all clear.

🤔 Select Your Move

{A} Look in Apartment 12
{B} Look in Apartment 13
{C} Try to access the stairwell next to you
{D} Look in Apartment 14
{E} Look in Apartment 15
{F} Head back and look in Apartment 16
{G} Head back and look in Apartment 17
{H} Head back and try to access the opposite stairwell

Oh, yes, that went well...
I think I visit another apartment, maybe I will find the {A}-Team ;-)


Otherwise I'm (almost) always lucky with 13 :-(

By the way, it was well implemented that the second zombie no longer appears in the standings after the elimination.✅

Thank you - it was tricky to get the other zombie removed but my brain eventually worked it out.

That's quite a bug you've found for me there so apologies for the large number of notifications - I deleted a load of comments 😆
UPDATE: Fixed it 🙂

... and I thought it was all those zombies I had alerted with my sirens. ;-)

Infinite loops where I used the wrong index 🙂

I think that you were lucky with the alarm - there weren't many zombies to alert... this time 😉

Eier? Ich wollte doch Kartoffeln braten...
Hat sich aber fürs Erste erledigt - ausschließlich mit 'ner Pfanne n der Hand, Tritt nicht einmal B-Girl in diesem Etablissement Türen ein... ;-)

Ah... ja.... Kartof... rums... (sorry - habe es gerade mit mehreren ... kawum... Zombies zu tun)...
können wir... pleng... das Menü ... uff... später besprech... arghhh...

Oh ja, das hört sich grauenhaft an! Lass uns das Menü vertagen! Nee, nicht nur wegen dir, mir geht's auch nicht gut: Der Gamemaster hat angekündigt, er müsste den weiteren Verlauf meines Spiels noch programmieren und würde sich über PM melden. Hallo? Wie grauenhaft!!! ;-D

Und ich hoffe doch, dass es dir (wie mir) nur im Spiel nicht gut geht...
Bei mir gab's diese Ankündigung noch nicht. Wobei ich mir das gut vorstellen kann. Ich bin zwar kein Spieleentwickler, aber die diversen Optionen und Handlungsstränge "vorzudenken", erfordert schon ein gewisses Maß an Struktur und eine Menge Arbeit... grauenhaft ;-))

Doch, mir geht's gut. Meine Prioritätenliste hat sich nur stark verändert - und Steemit steht gar nicht mehr drauf... 🤷‍♀️ Gab's schon mal, kann sich wieder ändern... 😉
"PM" war gar nicht schlimm, sondern ein "Perfect Menu". Jetzt fühle ich mich so gestärkt, dass ich gleich - vielleicht etwas gewagt - eine verschlossene Tür eintreten werde. Wenn du mich schreien hörst: Ich bin noch oben. Bisschen was von meiner Lasagne habe ich dir in den Kühlschrank gestellt.

So ein PM könnte ich auch langsam gebrauchen... habe ich überhaupt schon was gegessen seitdem der Strom ausgefallen ist :-o. Ich muss unbedingt wieder in den 3. Stock und den Kühlschrank plündern, aber ich fürchte der Entwickler oder die Zombies haben was dagegen.

Meine Prio-Liste leert sich gerade wieder ein wenig. Die letzte Woche vor den Ferien ist immer sowas von voll mit Terminen. Noch eine Woche, dann haben nicht nur die Kinder Urlaub. :-)

Ich werde dir bald zu Hilfe kommen - auf alle anderen kann man augenscheinlich nicht zählen... ;-)
Hey, Axt und Bratpfanne - was soll uns da noch passieren? Notfalls gibt's zum Abendessen Affenragout... ;-)

Nein, nicht die armen Affen... wir haben doch genug Monster... ;-)
obwohl die wahrscheinlich doch ein wenig zäh sind...

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