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RE: Achievement 1: My Introduction: I 💖 Steemit

in Steem Oasis 🌴4 months ago

Hm. Now I've learned a lot about bananas... We Germans only know German oak trees anyway - and we like to swing in them:



Congratulations! You have just earned a fat (100 - 65) % upvote for this stunt. Now get down, you have no right to hurt my jaws.


Jaws? Are you blind? That's an oak tree! As ugly as only the AI can make it... 😁

And thanks for the verification, sir. I really needed it, I have 17 baby mouths to feed! You're the nicest person I've ever met on the Steem! Will you finally give me a delegation? Please, sir.

I know I'm nice. Based on your presentation, I'm delegating you my bucks.


Use wisely. Have fun.

🤗... 🥰... 💞... 😎

Ouch, it's really hard to catch them all back now! My buck bank is already pissed off because I come running in with a single buck every 10 minutes...

I'll again say, Have fun. 🤭

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