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RE: ๐ŸŽฎ Steemit City: Zombie Apocalypse: Level 1 - The Apartments (๐Ÿ‘ค @the-gorilla)

With a sense of unease, you try to open Apartment 21, only to find it locked, adding a layer of frustration to the situation.

Whilst you were trying to open the locked apartment, the zombie to your left has moved to attack you...



The zombie strikes first and barely touches you, reducing your Health by 0.5.



You start to fight back and you catch the zombie with your Baseball Bat reducing the zombie's Health by 5.

The zombie fights back and hits you with all of their strength, reducing your Health by 5.



You attack again and land the perfect blow with your Baseball Bat reducing the zombie's Health by 10.

It's the killer blow and the fight is over.

You needed to move quickly in the battle and the practise has helped you - your Speed has increased.

The battle took its toll on your body and you hope that you don't encounter any more zombies.

You're back where you began, outside your own front door. You get the sudden feeling that you're not out here alone...

You look to your left and are relieved to see nothing there.

You look to your right and are relieved to see that the corridor is completely clear.

๐Ÿค” Select Your Move

{A} Head left and look in Apartment 18
{B} Head left and look in Apartment 19
{C} Head left and try to access the stairwell
{D} Look in Apartment 21 opposite your home (Locked)
{E} Head right and look in Apartment 22
{F} Head right and look in Apartment 23
{G} Head right and try to access the stairwell

Sort: ย 


You open the door to see a silhouette in front of the window, stood motionless.

You feel a sense of unease about what's in front of you, could this be an ally for your journey? Or a bloodthirsty zombie, waiting for their next meal?

๐Ÿค” Select Your Move

{A} Say something to attract the silhouette's attention.
{B} Attack the silhouette.
{C} Quietly sneak back into the corridor, closing the door behind you.


You enter the room and speak tentatively.

H... Hello?

The silhouette turns quickly and lurches towards you. DAMN! You've disturbed a brain thirsty zombie that has attacked you!



The zombie strikes first and hits you strongly, reducing your Health by 0.7.



You start to fight back and you catch the zombie with your Baseball Bat reducing the zombie's Health by 5.

The zombie fights back and hits you strongly, reducing your Health by 0.6.



You attack again and land the perfect blow with your Baseball Bat reducing the zombie's Health by 10.

It's the killer blow and the fight is over.

After this battle, you feel that your luck is improving.

You feel relief to have come out of the fight relatively unscathed and prepare to continue your journey.

๐Ÿค” Select Your Move

{A} Thoroughly Search the apartment
{B} Leave the apartment, closing the door behind you.


You search the apartment for anything that you can find...

You see if you can find a better weapon first...

But you can't find anything better than your Baseball Bat.

You then turn your attention to food...

The best you can find is a tin of baked beans which you eat hurriedly.

You health has increased by 1

After thoroughly rummaging through the apartment, leaving no drawer unturned or shelf unexplored, you return to the corridor to continue your adventure.

You're cautious to recheck the rest of the corridor and are relieved to see that it's all clear.

๐Ÿค” Select Your Move

{A} Look in Apartment 18 (Locked)
{B} Look in Apartment 19
{C} Try to access the stairwell next to you
{D} Look in Apartment 21 opposite your home (Locked)
{E} Head back and look in Apartment 22
{F} Head back and look in Apartment 23
{G} Head back and try to access the opposite stairwell


With a sense of unease, you try to open Apartment 19, to find that the door doesn't fully open.

It appears that the door is on its chain and you will need to force it open if you want to get in. You think about this for a moment and realise that this could attract some unwanted attention.

๐Ÿค” Select Your Move

{A} Try to kick the door down
{B} Quietly close the door and hope that you didn't disturb anything.

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