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RE: 🎮 Steemit City: Zombie Apocalypse: Level 1 - The Apartments (👤 @moecki)

You've decided to search the apartment for a suitable weapon.

You've got a good idea of what to look for - something hard, preferably sharp, something that you can swing or shoot.

The best that you can find is an Axe. It's not perfect but it's the best thing available.

It's now time to head outside, reply {A} when you're ready to get moving.



You get out your Axe and prepare to do battle...

You strike first and you catch the zombie with your Axe reducing the zombie's Health by 7.

The zombie fights back and barely touches you, reducing your Health by 1.5.

You attack again and you land a strong blow with your Axe reducing the zombie's Health by 8.4.

It's the killer blow and the fight is over.

You feel relief to have come out of the fight relatively unscathed and prepare to continue your journey.

You step outside knowing that nothing's directly outside your door and you're cautious to check the rest of the corridor.

You look to your left and see a zombie.

It hasn't noticed you yet.

You look to your right and are relieved to see nothing there.

🤔 Select Your Move

{A} Attack the Zombie to your left that hasn't noticed you yet
{B} Try to escape into Apartment 21 opposite your home
{C} Try to escape into Apartment 22 to your right
{D} Try to escape into Apartment 23 to your right
{E} Try to escape into the stairwell to your right

I have to find something to eat... otherwise I will become a monster myself. Grrr...

You get out your Axe and prepare to do battle...



You strike first and the zombie feels the full force of your Axe reducing the zombie's Health by 11.2.

It's the killer blow and the fight is over.

After this battle, you feel that your luck is improving.

You feel relief that you're unharmed and prepare to continue your journey.

You're cautious to recheck the rest of the corridor and are relieved to see that it's all clear.

🤔 Select Your Move

{A} Look in Apartment 18
{B} Look in Apartment 19
{C} Try to access the stairwell next to you
{D} Look in Apartment 21 opposite your home
{E} Head back and look in Apartment 22
{F} Head back and look in Apartment 23
{G} Head back and try to access the opposite stairwell

Yesss ... an unexpected fight... but the monster had no chance ... although I am a little hungry... or because of it!
I'll try to come out once more.

You open the door to the stairwell and are pleased that the landing is clear. As you close the door behind you, it clicks shut and you realise there's no way back, you're only option is to head downstairs.

Reply {A} when you're ready to go downstairs.

Alone in the stairwell... I'm a little bit scared ;-)

You head down the stairs and are relieved that the landing is clear. You look to head down again but you are overwhelmed by the feeling that you'd be missing out on something magical if you did.

Instead, you see that the stairwell door on the 2nd floor is ajar and choose to head through it.

Reply {A} when you're ready to explore the 2nd floor.

Ich werde dir bald zu Hilfe kommen - auf alle anderen kann man augenscheinlich nicht zählen... ;-)
Hey, Axt und Bratpfanne - was soll uns da noch passieren? Notfalls gibt's zum Abendessen Affenragout... ;-)

Autsch, so langsam nützt "Abgucken nichts mehr... ;-)

Und - sowieso von Anfang an - spätestens jetzt finde ich es übrigens blöd, dass man die Kommentare unter den Postings extra aufrufen muss. Warum? Haben die Entwickler Angst, dass man bei ihnen nur kommentierende Bots findet?!

Da sagst du was! Mich beruhigt es ein wenig, dass es noch ein Update geben soll, nach dem wenige Kommentare sofort angezeigt werden... aber so richtig konnte ich die Priorität noch nie nachvollziehen.

Argh! I entered the wrong location in the code and you went towards the zombie instead of away from it. Well the good news is that you destroyed the zombie with ease 😉

Grrr... that could have gone badly....
I hope you don't have any more surprises like that ;-)

Ha ha! This game is full of surprises!!

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