The older I get the more cautious I become of where I place my energy and who I let ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... into my space. There is a saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup” and how true is that. If you want to help others, you must take care of yourself first. Keep in mind that energy is contagious, which is why surrounding yourself with people that you know are good for your health and soul is key! 🤍 07 - 28 - 2020 💫


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So beautiful

Very well said Uma! Love these snaps of great memories! Stay energized my friend and great things will happen!

Uups..I Never asked myself...anyway, I’m still continuing to do same sacrifice again, but it’s ok..but in theory I know that being always to everybody friendly, can makes one a lot of problems or stress or just bad, take care where and with whom you get in energetical exchange..every thought, word, move you do, is like an arrow you send out..but at the same time it is still the bow, means, once stopping holding, it shot the arrow....haha, could sound a bit confused now, don’t know why I am 100% sure you know what I mean, more, it was nothing new to you...anyway, sorry for soo many words for such a simple meaning, but I’m still learning..enjoy..

Yeah 😍😍

Memories always make us nostalgic 😍😍

Amazing old memories

Love the caption, so true

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