Love this challenge from @lonistellina to learn more about each other💕 So here are my 3 facts about me (blogpost edition)⁣

in APPICS4 years ago (edited)

🔸 My name "Uma" is not so well known in the Western world and was mainly popularized by the American actress Uma Thurman. However "Uma" originates in Sanskrit (ancient language) and means "mother". Uma is a given name in various cultures. In India, it is the name of the Hindu goddess, who is more commonly known as Parvati. She is considered the mother of all gods. In Hindi the meaning of the name Uma is: Bright.⁣

Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages. In Sanskrit the word umā can further mean "tranquillity", "splendour", "fame" and "peace of the night". The goddess Devī, also called Uma, is regarded as the female principle of the divine; the embodiement of the energies of the Gods, Umā is the impersonation of ‘divine knowledge’.⁣
In Hebrew, Uma means "the nation," and is therefore sometimes used for girls born on Israeli Independence Day.⁣

My mother read the book (in german) "Eine gute Partie", meaning "A good game" by author Vikram Seth, where she first saw the name Uma, fell in love with the name and in that moment had a vision she would have a little girl with that name. Years later she had me and chose the name Uma for her first and only child. And since my father was born and raised in the South of India, Kerala (also known as the land of palm trees) where the name is quite common, it felt like the perfect fit.⁣

🔸 Most of you know, from watching my videos that I am fluent in english. As crazy as it sounds, I even feel more confident doing presentations in english, than in my native language, german. So I get asked all the time especially from native english speakers, how I learned to speak so well and why I sound so "American".⁣

Besides the fact that in Germany we learn basic english from 3rd grade on, I gravitated towards the english language early on and loved watching movies and series in english, at first with german subtitles and later on without. I knew I wanted to live in the U.S and at age 15 I was able to do a high school exchange year and randomly ended up in a small town in Connecticut.⁣

This year was by far one of the best experiences in my life, I had the best host family I could have ever asked for, a true American high school experience and not only was I fluent in American english after a few months, but I also started thinking and dreaming in english.⁣

I think it’s fascinating how the brain works! Afterwards I finished my double degree in Germany (Abitur & International Baccalaureate) where I took all classes and majors in english and continued to expand my vocabulary. I love languages and am now learning Spanish, which I understand and speak on a very basic level (since I spent a lot of my early childhood in Spain), but I aspire to speak it fluently. Afterwards I would also love to learn Italian , Japanese, basic Chinese etc. ⁣

What's a language you'd like to learn?⁣

🔸 I love physical activities and am not afraid to try something new. In my early childhood I tried out many different sports. I tried gymnastics, played soccer, figure ice skating in the winter, learned the brazilian martial art Capoeira and in my free time would always ride around the park on a unicycle. I even joined a local circus and learned air acrobatics. ⁣
But all of these activities didn't stick with me for very long.⁣

I always loved to dance, but it wasn't until I took my first higher level hip-hop dance class, that I found my passion. From that moment on I was obsessed and loved training with our dance crew. We trained 4-5 days a week, on the weekends often from early in the morning until late at night. Dance was my life for 7 years and besides the benefits it gave me at the time, more importantly it shaped my entire future.⁣

As most of you know, most of the Appics team members are former dancers and this is actually how we met. Without dance, APPICS wouldn't be here, it's what connected us all in the first place and even though dance isn't the center of our lives anymore and we're focused on business, it always holds its place throughout this journey.⁣
It's the international language everyone understands. I can't wait for the first APPICS event, when we all get to meet in person and dance together 😜⁣

During my exchange year in the U.S I also joined the cheerleading team, track & field and dance team. From a trip to Thailand, two years ago I developed a passion for Muay Thai and most recently started incorporating Yoga into my daily routine.⁣
So what’s left?⁣

On my bucket list of activities is that I'd love to learn how to surf (in Hawaii) and push myself to go parachute jumping!⁣
What's one activity you‘d like to learn ?⁣

Thanks for reading and getting to know me better. Share your #3facts so that we get to know you better 💗


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Thanks for sharing your 3 facts 😍 you are looking so beautiful ❤❤

Thanks 😊

I love these facts. You seem to be living your best life, not just existing. I am motivated to do the same. Thank you so much for sharing

I appreciate that 🙏🏽 I just try to improve and make progress in all areas of my life, step by step. Wishing you all the best on your journey!

Thank you for taking the time to reply, believe me it goes a long way for me. Can i keep in touch please?

great to read your 3facts and get to know you better Uma👊🏼 and we have so many things in common i realized. my name is as well choosen after my mom read Schiller's Intrigue and Love😄, I still remember how crazy it was starting to dream in english. I lived in the states after highschool before I started studying. and yes please🤙🏼surfing in Hawaii, count me in🤘🏻

Wow that’s amazing to know we have these similarities. And definitely looking forward to the Hawaii trip 🌺🌊😁

Schöne Zusammenfassung 👌🏽. Der Hinduismus ist eine einzigartige Religion. in Einigen Punkten kann die westliche Welt noch viel von anderen Nationen lernen. Auf Sri Lanka habe ich mit dem Hinduismus das erste mal Bekanntschaft gemacht. Die Freundlichkeit der Menschen ist dort einzigartig.

Ich kenne mich zwar nur grob mit dem Hinduismus aus, aber der Ursprung wie die der meisten Religionen und Weltansichten trägt definitiv sehr viel Weisheit in sich. Vorallem wenn man sich die Lebensweise alter Völker anschaut, Naturheilkunde etc. Ist aufjedenfall ein Bereich in dem ich mich noch viel weiter bilden möchte :)

As long as there is HipHop Music at the Appics event, you'll see me dance too!🕺 Enjoyed reading your Facts Uma. 🤗

Yaay 😁🙌

I know right. I am learning to learn so much more about people

Same! I really enjoy reading everyone’s facts 😊

Wow! 7 years in Dance and thats what connected many of the team members, thats so cool! Brains and Beauty, you are the whole package Uma and I love that you are always striving to learn new things!! Thanks for sharing these facts with us all!! ❤️💪

Thanks for the kind words Karen! 🙏🏽❤️

Cooo factoids Uma, i know more about you, i did think it was interesting how you developed using the English language and sound so yes American. Would be cool to have a Ambassador meetup someday after the world normalizes again. Good to get some kind point about you friend. stay awesome 👍.

Thank you! Appreciate you taking the time to read all of it 🙏🏽 and yes the meetup will come!

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