Missing this kind of street food. Most of the food shops on the street have been ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... closed since the Corona outbreak. So we don't have the chance to eat all these foods anymore. Hope all goes well soon and we will enjoy these delicious street food again.


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I am sorry to hear this especially for the street food shop owners. However, we can all use this time to upgrade our own cooking skills, try new food combinations and pray for better times 🦾

Truly emphatetic word's to live by 😊

Yes, it's really sad. Because his family is dependent on it. My mom can cook several street food recipes though, I should learn from her. Then I can enjoy cooking by myself whenever I want😌.

Enjoy the meal

Yes,I did. Thank you.

Hope all will be well soon

Hoping for best🙏

ফুচকা চটপটি নাকি হালিম? confused! ?


In winter we can have a lot of street food like bhapa pitha chatpati puchka etc. as the second web of Corona is expected to come in the next winter so we gonna miss the street food.

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