Money Rules Some people say money makes the world go round. Some people chase money ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... for a lifetime while some make money chase them. Here are some rules of money which you must know;

Never spend before you earn; ‘’don’t count your chicks before they hatch’’ as this often leads to debts and eventually poverty. People always borrow to spend on extravagant needs before they earn.
The more you learn the more you earn; knowledge that doesn’t have the ability to be manifested isn’t knowledge. Focus your learning on what you want to invest in, execute it and you will earn more.
Don’t let your money be bored; yes, never allow your money remain idle. N 1000 of today wont be the same in 6 months. This is because of external factors that reduce the value of money such as inflation. Put your money to work so you can earn more.
Spend less than you earn; People find it hard to break this jinx. You should never spend above what you earn in order to prevent debts. Control your thirst for spending and if you must spend be prepared to earn more. Always work with a budget.
Invest time before you invest money; Time is money as the saying goes. It is a very valuable asset that we tend to forget. Invest your time in a realistic field and make sure you understand it before investing your money. Take time to develop yourself. ‘’Make haste slowly”
Don’t chase money instead be a money magnet; always work smart and make the money come to you. Some people chase money all their life and never get to have it. The more value you create, the more money comes back to you. Don’t be a slave to money, be the master.
Money doesn’t grow on trees unless you plant the right seeds; ‘’A good tree cannot bear bad fruit’’. When you plant the right seeds (investing), you must water it, watch it grow, protect it from hazards, and then you can reap the fruit of your labour.
The right partner can make you rich or poor; marrying or choosing a wrong partner can ruin you and bring you from hero to zero. Just like Kanye West who rose from his indebtedness to be a billionaire with the help of his spouse, choose the right partner who you see a future with and is ready to build with you and not just ruin you.

Good morning. Have a fruitful week ahead


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