We are experiencing cold winter weather in Edmonton these days ❄️. My car has been ...

in APPICS3 years ago

... giving me a hard time as temperatures are around -30C in the morning. Previous winter, my car was safely parked in a heated underground parking. However, after losing my semi-stable job last March I made the decision to move to a cheaper apartment. That also meant losing the privilege of an underground parking.

Taking responsibility for the decisions that led to challenging consequences is not easy 🙃. Oh how I’d love to blame it on the weather, the car, the previous employer, the economy, etc. But even putting the blame on others doesn’t solve the issue itself.

Once we take ownership of our own faults, seek for solutions, and learn from them, we are able to make progress in future. Blaming it on the outside circumstances doesn’t prompt us to change and is not really beneficial.

I am very grateful to have people in my life who were so selflessly willing to help me out so I could make it to work today. I still have to see if I will be able to get home but that is a story for another day 😂

Have a fabulous Monday everyone and stay warm ☺️


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Well said, Hope you make it home ok! We are in very cold weather as well will be -20 . Tonight!👍❄🥶🥶🥶

It all worked out well 👌 It was actually such a beautiful sunny day ☀️

It worked out well, I did make it home safely 💪 It was actually such a beautiful sunny day ☀️

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