☀️ Good Morning APPICS Fam ☀️ In case you had a rough start this morning, remember ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... that this feeling is just temporary. Every day is a fresh new beginning and you can program your mind to think positive once you wake up!

Life is challenging for everyone of us right now and keeping a clear head while spreading positive vibes is easier said than done. But there are some tips and tricks that I want to share with you which help raise your vibration and gives you the energy back which is hidden within you! 🗝

  • Gratitude!
    The feeling of true gratitude will shift your attitude! In psychology, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness and it helps you to feel positive emotions, relish good experiences and even improves your health!
    When you open your eyes in the morning, take 5 minutes ( before your first coffee 😉) and be grateful for even the smallest things! Family, friends, your job, health, being on this beautiful planet for another day, being able to smell & taste, nature and everything that comes into your mind!

  • Decrease stress by using your breath!
    Don’t skip this one because it is more important than you probably think!

During stressful moments, conscious breathing allows you to shift and release negative energy instead of storing it in your body. This is important because stored-up energy often manifests as muscle tension and other physical ailments.
While being busy in our daily routines, we often do not think about our breath and just follow the to-do list. This causes a so called “chest breathing” and signals our mind that we’re in danger ⚠️ It was designed to be used in situations of great exertion, such as a sprint or race.

When you wake up in the morning, did your gratitude session and had your first tea/coffee, sit down for 5-10 minutes and take deep belly breaths! You can also search for some tutorials on YouTube.

  • Affirmations ✨
    Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you will start to make positive changes! Because everything is energy! Unfortunately, our mind often repeats negative experiences, bad thoughts, mistakes and this causes us to manifest those things into our lives. When you start your day, take a pen and a paper and write down 5 affirmations! Repeat this every morning!!!

We’re all on this journey together and keeping a positive attitude while the world is going crazy is the most important. Let’s support each other and come together as a family. Don’t be programmed by the mainstream world. Start programming your mind on your own and see what will happen! 💫

Quote of the day: If the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you still be beautiful?

Have a wonderful day my loves!
🤍 Soldier


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Great picture!

Thank you ☺️

Very nice message by you, I regularly write 5 gratitude things, what I'm thankful for and now I can feel inner happiness ☺️🥰

That’s amazing! It will truly shift your perspective and it lets you attract greater things into your life 💫

Danke dir 🙌🏽

Thanks for this wise words 🙏 Some of them Points are in my Routine too, Affirmations are great Gratitude is so important when not the most important thing for me. The most difficult point was the right Breath it is so in routine that I nearly reflected no time my breath and the the body means fight or cursed 😅

Amazing that you already added some things like showing gratitude to your daily routine. To breathe consciously is actually so important and most people don’t know about it yet. So try it out and let me know what you think! It also calms down your mind. Trust me ☺️

Thank you for sharing such wonderful and amazing words of encouragement to all of us especially this time of the pandemic. Everything that happened nowadays will pass away and the new beginning is yet to come, so be positive and always put our trust and faith to our Almighty God. 😇😇🙏

Couldn’t said it any better! Better days will come and we’re strong enough to survive this dark time and restore our energy to become the light at the end of the tunnel 🙌🏽💫

Such a fire post of wisdom and great photo, I really love the quote of the bottom as well as your philosophy. A lyric comes to mind tying to beauty, intentions and the words we speak,. It's from a song I wrote long ago,

"Beware the smiling faces with arms wide open first
They'll quickly give you hugs only to measure your worth"

These words go deep under the skin 🤯 Your lyrics are so powerful and I’m glad you finally start to them with us. You’re not only a talented singer but also a poet.

..wow, Gott (oder wer auch immer...) hatte echt n guten Tag, als du dran warst...sehr schön...Stil kann man halt nicht kaufen...beste Grüße von hier....enjoy....

Ohh vielen Dank! Weiß ich sehr zu schätzen 🙏🏽 Liebe Grüße zurück!

I'm filled with positive energy while I'm reading your post,every word is meaningful .Thank you for sharing your positivity to us🙌

That makes me really happy! 🙏🏽☺️

Good Morning @soldier you are looking so beautiful as always! Thanks for the awesome tips in these trying times, it's much appreciated! Sending Positive Vibes and Love From British Columbia Canada, Stay Safe!🥰🤙🙏❤️

Thanks lovely! Happy you liked my post. Can’t wait to visit Canada one day! ☺️

We would be so happy to see you some day!🥰👍✌️

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