📣🇩🇪 To all German-speaking entrepreneurs, cryptopreneurs or anyone who is int ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... erested to learn more about blockchain!
Tune in to the German live event “Business on Blockchain”tomorrow, which explains the benefits of blockchain technology, as well as how entrepreneurs can leverage this technology to start their business.

🇩🇪🎙 Schaltet morgen um 19 Uhr auf Zoom ein wenn folgende Themen besprochen werden:

  1. Was sind Kryptowährungen?
  2. Wieso ist es wichtig darin zu investieren?
  3. Wie gründet man ein Blockchain-basiertes Unternehmen?

🗣 Die Veranstaltung hat einen Workshop-Charakter und lädt nach dem Vortrag dazu ein, das Gelernte aktiv anzuwenden und in kleineren Gruppen Ideen darüber auszutauschen. 💭

Schaut gerne vorbei und ladet eure Freunde ein, die eventuell Fragen zum Thema Blockchain, Crypto, Investments und Unternehmertum haben!

▶️ Den Link zum Event findet ihr auf meinem APPICS Profil.

Bis morgen 🙏🏾✌🏾


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Good and great👍👍👍

🤩👍Coole Idee, um die "mass adoption" von Crypto voran zu bringen!😎

Is it only for german community?

Unfortunately, yes - but don’t worry! We will be doing many more presentations in English as well.

I'm waiting for that. ❤️ thank you Sir

it's a pitty that i was only able to join for the first 30 minutes. from what i saw i think i really missed something. i hope there will be another event like this in future 🙏.

Sounds awesome im looking forward to Friday's event!😃👍

Great idea ☺️ Germany is a very strong community 💪❤️ I'm looking forward to Friday's event 😎🤙

Great move, blockchain ought to have reached mainstream already.

The community is constantly growing and we’re doing our part to introduce them to this new technology and it’s benefits.

God bless your good works..

Ich bin dabei!!! ❤️

Sehr schön!

Coole ldee. Um die mass adoption von crypto voran zu bringen

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