This is for all the white People in here. We really need to be better, be the change. ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... We need to stick together. I know this are not my usual type of uploads in here. But with all that is happening in America we can stay silent. We have to make noise. We have to act. We have to support. We have to grow. To learn. To teach. All together. Because #blacklivesmatter and I stand together with You all.


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Blacklives Matter ALL Lives Matter!! Corruption and Injustice Lives On...

We need to stand up. And be sure we are better everyday and that we educate future generations

The msm is making it about race and its not about race, facts are facts lies are lies, but this was the spark that started the fire. Its not a race war its about corruption and injustice and the police state. More whites are killed in america then blacks anyhow so that assumption is not accurate. All lives matter!

No. We can't think that way. It is unfair it is not a race related. We as white people need to stop trying to find excuses for what we do to other people from other ethnicity. Because if we keep finding excuses the problem will continue to exist. Since this spark started the fire (finally) we need to stand up and talk about it. Not only online. But in our circles. When we see something happening when we go to our local shops. At work. In school. All lives matter of course. And the black lives matter doesn't invalidate the first one. But unfortunately only white people can say the first one... because we have white privilege and that's why we need to stop that.

Your statement is inaccurate. And Im sorry but I'm not sorry, but I disagree with you. And there is no WE in this issue as according to me. I look to GODs thinking on the matter and as the bible says god is not partial . . . I come from one of the most segregated states in america. I was treated just as bad and spent my entire year after highschool and beyond in and out of jail for absolute petty crap and yes I was there next to my black friends. I had to move away it was so bad. I am more native american then so called white and no one is crying about the extreme disregard for the way most of my people live. Like I said this is not just about race, thats satans thinking. Prejudice is and has always been a tool for the devil to divide. Can you deny the fact that native Americans have it any better, I dont see african american reservations because your entire culture has been suppressed since the genocide. I have no vision of Race I have vision of human life and cultural diversity and beauty . . . I for one stand up for righteousness by way of our heavenly father who yes created us all. For this I am "NEUTRAL" from all this mess. It will be fixed yes and your faith is the test. Do your best but dont fall for the 1 sided thinking. This is a "good vs evil" issue. You will see. Its an awakening and most dont know how to deal with it. All I say is welcome to Planet Earth we have been waiting for you, we are the human race. View reality for what it is not what your told it is.

I'm just real and down to earth. So What is your soul worth.

Ps. My wife is Mexican and my best friend is black we live just fine in the faith. So just relax. . .

Peace ✌️

We do need to have more peace and be all together instead of separate

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