How the APPICS Brand would look like in 2000 BC 😊 Let’s Imagine you where thousands ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... of years back, how would a decentralized Social Media would look like and what kind of features users would love to use. I was asking myself what kind of pictures people would like to share? And how awesome would it be to have some antient knowledge on the Blockchain, so you really know it’s from this civilization years back. I see this as a big problem today, as information is spreading so fast around the globe, but most of it is not verified as we wish. Mainstream is just one perspective of the truth, but it can’t be the real truth and more people realizing it that we have to be careful what we believe in. So I think in the future we need to rethink and define the distribution of information. Maybe AI will play a big role and will filtering all the wrong information. But the good thing is that nature is storing everything in our DNA, so we are all basically Blockchain creatures 😁 Everything what you can see is a manifestation of Information. And maybe one day we are be able to role back all this data, to learn more about our roots. Love to know your thought on this 💭 Do you think we are smarter than civilization thousands of years ago or do think we are living the age of junk information?


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I don't think we are smarter than the previous civilizations! We have definitely lost a lot of knowledge & Information over the past centuries.. There are monuments in India which i have seen carved inside a mountain from the top to the bottom, with intricate designs - and I wonder how it could have been possible! To make such a monument today would require thousands of man hours and stone carving technology not available today! so how was i done.. i am personally a fan of History & love to understand how we evolved... So when you say Everything is stored in our DNA.. just like Blockchain.. has given me a new perspective!

Yes, it’s really exiting how such momentum’s could be built during this times. They obviously know something, that makes them really powerful or at the least some of them.

Yea. Those big "engineered" structures are amazing. One cannot explain it cuz it was born before standard engineering was. Remarkable!

Hmmm. First of all. Great Graphics! Like @katerinaramm says you're too good. About your question, I gave it some thought. Are we really smarter than they were or are (let's assume that the past is a parallel universe that is running simultaneously as the present) and let's imagine pharoah and his minions or subjects (inspired by your egypt-like fonts). Now what would they have been sending? Well, i think on that universe they'd still be sending information about politics, war and elightenment. If you look a lil bit into history, you'd discover that those men took knowledge seriously too. They made or built creations that even today we wonder how they did it. The opportunity of computers didn't present itself to them, if it did they would have built it. It could be that they did. Remember some artifacts have been lost over time. In my opinion, I think in that universe they could be more hardworking than we are - Maybe not smarter. I read somewhere, that men worked hard to invent devices that made us lazy. Haha! So i'm sure about one thing, if our devices were available then, let's assume someone travelled to the parallel universe (which is our past) with these our computers, laptops and phones. At first they'd think is wizardry, then when they learn about it, they'd use it for more "serious" stuff than social media. Because of the more problems they are faced with. I like this thought. I'd think about it more. I hope this is not too long. 😅😅

That’s really a interesting hyperthesis with the parallel universe and i think it totally makes sense as everything has its kind of cycles, so we relive some kind of time chapter in new way. As you said people had other problems in the past, but what would interesting to know if they where happier overall during this times. I read/heard about a parallel universe portal somewhere in Africa and Antarctica, so I think this can change a lot when it will be truly discovered. Thanks for your thoughts

Cycles! The most interesting shape in nature!🤗 You're welcome sir. I enjoy these thoughts!

Well that's pretty deep! But was an interesting read... I like the idea of parallel universe & travelling in time.. but I'm quite skeptical about it being practically possible!

Hahaha! I like my mind to wander. I don't know if that's possible too. I like to think about the weirdest things possible. Just think about it, if our past was literally playing all over again in some universe simultaneously with this reality. Wouldn't that be awesome?!😅

Lolol this is a funny one eheh

Jesus would have loved Appics 😉💝

Hahaha for sure

Thanks for your information. I think more people will be attracted to APPICS for giving you such information...!!!!

Thank you. Yeah that would be great for sure 👍

I am sure bro😍

Awesome design you did there.

In my own perspective if somebody or something like the (AI) filters data and contents being shared to any platform then centralization begins or what we call censorship.

One should still have the right to share his/her point of view or their take into whatever issues they're pointing out.

Let the other users respond if it's a useful information shared to any platform.

How ever junk it may seem to be, we should acknowledge whatever it is shared as long as its original content and word contents really came from their own sentence construction.

I still believe in the quote "Freedom ends where another nose begins".

Dropping by to say hi.

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