Mexico City is still in Quarantine Mode for one more week. How is your city and ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... country where you live with safety restrictions?Have they loosen a little bit?


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Gotta stay safe

Yes we are in the pic period of we are in lockdown😭😭

The second wave is terrible. They might announce anither total lockdown. It's like a dilemma between which one is more important, the economy or its people. I'm sad we are put into situation like this. Keep safe bro.

We’ve always had this dilemma in Mexico. 70% of the mexican economy is informal, so people have to go out and work to eat that day. I gues even if we get a 2nd wave people will prefer going out to work. Staying home is a privilege for some people.

Since I've come back to India, the cases are increasing exponentially! I've been in quarantine for 12 days now.. but im afraid to setp out.. but after 2 days, no option than to get back to work.. A second wave is imminent in India too band seems like it's going to cripple the (bad) Govt/hospital infrastructure..

Looking good and staying safe at same time👊

Cuidate Mauricio. :)

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