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RE: $10,000,000 Token Bounty to get FUKUSHIMA in the news by making death threats against elon musk until he fucking talks about fukushima radiation instead of the co2 scam. If thats the only way to get FUKUSHIMA radiation in the news so be it!

in APPICS3 years ago

Liewe Elon Musk. U het die nadeel dat u na 'n goedkoop Avon-parfuum vernoem is en dat u elektriese rommelmotors verkoop wat gebou is met staatsubsidies wat onbekostigbaar en onbetroubaar vir die algemene publiek is. U het ook baie arm mense, insluitend myself, op die hals gehaal toe u op Bitcoin en Dogecoin gekak het, wat die helfte van my karige besparings verloor het. Hoe gaan dit met die bek hou en 'n ordentlike motor bou


Dear Elon Musk. You have the disadvantage that you are named after a cheap Avon perfume and that you sell electric junk cars built with government subsidies that are unaffordable and unreliable to the general public. You also hit a lot of poor people, including myself, when you shit on Bitcoin and Dogecoin, which lost half of my meager savings. How about keeping your mouth shut and building a decent car.

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