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RE: ⚠️ Crypto News With APPICS! & Challenge To Win APX!🎁 Dear APPICS Family, if you ...

in APPICS4 years ago

I have seen my family, friends and relatives, a majority of them being farmers struggling financially because of no proper planning and goal setting for the future and seen them struggling to the uncertainties. Times like this make them more vulnerable. Kids from the rich families never get an opportunity to watch such things. I'm fortunate to have seen this things very closely.

We were into absolute poverty during 1990s. My family got nothing in hierarchy from their ancestors. So father and mother have started from a big zero. Today we own 5 acres of land and are finally independent. My father always thought we should get the right education and exposure from the beginning. Since Indian farmers contribute to only 15% of country's GDP, there is little or no investment in this sector. So it was widely prevalent that rich landlords and middle men exploited farmers from ages. My father too brought loans with interest rate as high as 30% from landlords and crop merchants to ensure we get right education and opportunities.

After completing 12th standard, I have took education loan of 12000$ to complete my graduation. Today I make stable income of around 1000$ after 2 years of experience. I'm enjoying fruits of my parents hard work. So I have opened an account for my parents exclusively and started putting a part of my earnings in it every month for their retirement. I have successfully completed repaying 60% of my education loan.

There is this famous saying "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" . My father always believed in teaching rather than giving a fish because of which me and my brother are in decent position today.

My job profile has made very dynamic and I developed this habit of goal setting. The end goal for me is to be self-reliant and to be happy with my family. That's all. There may be list of other small goals which may drive me there.

I have written a blog on how to build a sustainable model to achieve dreams in steps. There is no shortcut and it follows a definite procedure and takes time. I believe in Slow and steady Wins.

Now coming to the question of why I have joined Appics. I have started looking at some of the projects on Steemit since last 2 years and I have lost trust on most of them as there were no constant updates or physical appearance of the platform. That's the reason I have been inactive for a while and seriously started thinking about it. Most of them seen to be talking on shit coins but there is no concept or model behind it. Appics ticked all my boxes. Not everyone is a good writer, hence lot of people here in Steemit end up copying content or involve in some other things thinking to get rich quick. But Appics is completely different. It can have a wide range of audience. Anyone who clicks good memories or science or fun can publish their work here. They need not be an extraordinary writer. As this platform has potential to be on exponential track with quick user engagement and wide range of audience across the globe, I believe this project has a bright future and when trust is gained with constant updates and effective feedback implementation, definitely people will like it. So as soon as I got to know about this project, I have Immediately started using it.

Started following Appics YouTube channel and has liked the video. Content seems interesting

Place where time is invested can always grow. Because time is as good as money. If not money atleast friends and friends are gold too.

Keep spreading love!!



Keep spreading the love and support. Thank you for doing this.

Absolutely. I love being here!!

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