So glad to find the twenty years old cat! Goldie was abandoned by her owner some ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... twenty years ago as a kitten. the fruit lady, selling fruits near Robinson mall, adopted her. But Goldie was used to sit and wait for her owner at the spot where the old shop-house used to stand. (They mowed it down to build Robinson shopping mall). That’s why Goldie sits at the steps of the mall everyday, waiting out of habit. Luckily she is so friendly and sweet that most vendors love her. Today it rains in the morning, I have to walk around searching for her. She’s sleeping under a motor bike, she’s safe and well. I hope she will live a few more years.


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I have tears in my eyes,what a sory!She is so adorable!😻

Oh,I meant "story" not "sory"!

Hahaha! Don’t worry! I know what you mean.

Yup! I was very touched when I discovered what happened to this cat when she was a small kitten. Now she’s very calm and happy. Though I couldn’t help wondering whether the original owner ever came back to this area during twenty years! She might have already passed away some where in the country, having her own family and stories to tell about the past!

Life is a river that never stop flowing!


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