Do you ever feel like you’re hiding from the world? That you only share the bits ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... of you that fit in? Right now ALL of you is needed. Your mess. Your guts. Your truth. STOP hiding. ✋🏻 It’s time to come out of the shadows and tell it how it really is. Sure, you might trigger those who aren’t ready to hear the truth, but that’s their problem, not yours. Swallowing your truth is poison. The medicine is you giving way less fu*ks about what anybody else thinks and more about what truly matters. So tell me, what are you hiding from right now? What are you afraid to say? 🙊


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Thank you for this message, there's always someone out there that needs to be reminded of this!
We should never shrink or struggle to fit into places that we've outgrowed. Never. And if someone doesn't like it, shame on them, you have to be happy for yourself, not for the rest!

You get it! I agree 💯%

Thx for this massage 😎

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