All back to normal in Norway🍻. The final Corona restrictions were finally lifted ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... this weekend, meaning that all precaution was thrown out the window as beer-thirsty, socially-craving, and possibly a little horny citizens flocked to the popular places in Oslo for outdoor drinks.

Quite funny to think how afraid people were just a few weeks ago.


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Oh that looks great actually! People need people to be significant and socialize. You can’t quarantine that. The Power of freedom is just amazing 😉! Cheers 🥂 to the life !!!

Thanks! And cheers to you too;). Yes, at sime point, people should be able to decide for themselves if they want to expose themselves to any risk that may still be present

thats quick .. hope it remains that way

Lets hope all stays normal. This is good news. I hope more countries are able to do this also very soon. Doesn't seem very likely here in the UK, but we can dream :)

It looks lile the number of neely affected/deaths have not changed much after these changes. So that's a good sign :)

Wow! UK is still social distancing 😢

That sucks :<. But I think Europe is on track to let most people have a normal summer

Best news so far. Lovely


That’s awesome! 🥂🥂

It really is! :D

That’s awesome! Don’t let fear control your life. Happy to see people enjoying each other’s company again! 👌🏾

Indeed! Now, many restaurants and cafes have been open throughout the pandemic, and people have been able to go wherever they wanted sll the time. The restrictions we've had has only been on the number of people that can be gathered (up to 5), and for restaurants etc to keep 2m distance between people. So not too bad given the situation. But nice to see festive events like this again!

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