Franklin D. Roosevelt Was Born 770 Weeks After The Golden Gate Moved To 265°. FDR, ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... the World War II US president, who opened the Golden Gate Bridge under his presidency, had a very special birthday, which was probably the reason for him to rise as high as he did: He was born on 1/30/1882 - a span of 770 weeks after the Golden Gate moved to 265° on the ecliptic, on 4/30/1867.

That is the mystical number 77 with a divine addition of a zero. The occult magician and author Aleister Crowley wrote in the Liber OZ or Liber 77:

7, the septenary; 11, the magical number; 77, the manifestation, therefore of the septenary.

Through matter, because 77 is written in Hebrew Ayin Zayin (OZ), and He-Goat, the symbol of matter, Capricornus, the Devil of the Tarot; which is the picture of the Goat of the Sabbath upon an altar, worshipped by two other devils, male and female.

Washington D.C. sits on the 77th Meridian West.

The Golden Gate of Osiris, the galactic core, the central black hole of the Milky Way, moves slowly but steadily through the precession of the equinox, by one degree every 72 years. It hit the 265° on 4/30/1867, shortly after the US Civil War and Lincoln's death.

That day had a numerology of 119, or 911 reversed, an interesting detail to consider here as well. We will learn more about his connection to 9/11 in the following posts.

This adds another layer to the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt. You can go back to Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Golden Gate Bridge President to find out more.


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