
We don't mind if you like pictures. As postings on Appics will get a reward, we will not tolerate plagiarism at all. Postings can't be deleted currently because all the system is running on blockchain. Don't post pictures that you haven't the owning rights to. No internet material, no violence, no rasicm, no sexism is allowed here. Please respect and follow the Appics rules. Only your own made pictures is allowed. Besides that, verify your account on Appics imediately: take a pen, a paper, write down your name, account name on Appics, the date of the day, clear readable and visible, take a photo and post it on Appics. We will verify your account. Ignoring warnings, keep posting plagiarism will blacklisting you. Future posts will be downvoted by the Appics Anti Abusive Team. You'll be on the watchlist and sanctioned. We're waiting for your verification post next. Thank you for your understanding!

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