With this photo I join the challenge ➡️#kidsofappics⬅️ from @lonistelina ✨ Here ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... I was only 1 year 6 months old, my first family vacation was in Aruba 🌺 I always liked to be in front of the sea, I love the beach, I think that's where my love for travel started 🏝️😊

In my case I am the witty sister, so I always have stories to tell about my fun adventures 😁🙃. I don't really remember anything from this trip, but I'm told that with my childish innocence I stole the show by dancing to the rhythm of salsa with my natural tropical beat on Aruba Island of Happiness. 🌺😆😂🥰

I love APPICS challenges, now it's your turn, look for your best picture and remember to use it when you publish
➡️ ️#kidsofappics ⬅️

Con esta foto me uno al desafío
➡️#kidsofappics ⬅️ de @lonistelina

Aquí solo tenía 1 año 6 meses, mis primeras vacaciones en familia fueron en Aruba 🌺 siempre me a gustado estar frente al mar, amo la playa, creo que allí empezó mi amor por los viajes 🏝️😊

En mi caso soy la hermana ocurrente, así que siempre tengo historias que contar de mis divertidas aventuras 😁🙃. Realmente de este viaje no recuerda nada, pero me cuentan que con mi inocencia infantil me robé el show bailando al ritmo de la salsa con mi latir natural tropical en Aruba Isla de la felicidad. 🌺😆😂🥰

Me encanta los desafíos APPICS, les toca ahora a ustedes, busquen su mejor foto y recuerden usas al publicar ➡️#kidsofappics ⬅️


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Our baby-fats showing hehehe. Still a cute girl there in the photo.

🤣😂 If a cute baby-fat. Baby - fashion in red bathing suit 😁😂 Thank you.😘

Pretty fatty baby girl 😍

Thank you 😊💜

Que linda!!!

Una ternurita 😘✨Gracias

Que linda niña!! Super coqueta esta fotografía Carmen.

Esta foto me encanta , con mis rollitos y pies gorditos de bebe ✨👶🏽💜Gracias Sam

Cute Little you 😍

Thank you ✨ I loved this challenge 🧸 🎈

Born to be cUte!😅☺😊. Was that earpiece by your side? That white cord beside you. Your being in love with the ocean reminds me of moana. Seen the movie? If you haven't you should check it out, you'd love it.

Hey... 🤣Gracias 🙏🏽 My parents made me with love 😁 I'll watch the movie I'm sure I'll like it.


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