Maximus misses going to the Carousel 🎠. At this point the quarantine should be ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... voluntary.

Maximus echa de menos ir al carrusel 🎠. A este punto, la cuarentena debería ser voluntaria.<br/><br/>[![3fa96d94f840cc7885f261a1f6b0a4ba](](,%20la%20cuarentena%20deber%C3%ADa%20ser%20voluntaria.&category=lifestyle&hashtags=spanish+photo+coronavirus+life&author=anahilarski&profileImageUrl=<br/><br/>[![Powered by APPICS - visit us at](](,%20la%20cuarentena%20deber%C3%ADa%20ser%20voluntaria.&category=lifestyle&hashtags=spanish+photo+coronavirus+life&author=anahilarski&profileImageUrl=

What a beautiful colorful photo! Good times out with family are slowing retuning depending on whete you live!

Thank you Karen. We live in Banana Republic so the government still doesn't want to reopen business. I feel bad for the poor people.😢

Yes lots more people dying in Panama from covid19 then here...Sadly enough.

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