How can I make mango jam at home?

in APPICSlast month

How can I make mango jam at home?



Making mango stick at domestic could be a delightful way to appreciate the tropical sweetness of mangoes all year circular. Here are two basic formulas for mango stick:

  1. Mango Stick Formula (Kawaling Pinoy):
  • Fixings:

  • 2 mugs diced mangoes (approximately 2 huge mangoes)

  • 1 container sugar

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  • Informational:

  1. Hold the mangoes standing and cut from the beat down on one side of the pit to isolated the substance. Repeat on the other side.

  2. Employing a spoon, scoop out the mango substance and coarsely chop it. Rub any tissue from the pits.

  3. In a pot, combine the mango, sugar, and lemon juice. Bring to a bubble until the sugar is broken down.

  4. Lower the warm and cook, squashing the blend with the back of a spoon, for around 25 to 35 minutes or until it thickens.

  5. To check for doneness, exchange a teaspoonful of stick onto a little dish and refrigerate for almost 1 miniature. Run your finger through the center of the jam—if it remains open and does not stream back together, it's prepared.

  6. Exchange the mango stick to containers whereas it's still hot. Permit it to cool some time recently fixing totally and store it within the refrigerator¹.

  7. Mango Stick Formula (Allrecipes):

  • Fixings:

  • 2 pounds ready mangoes

  • 1 ½ glasses white sugar

  • ¾ container water

  • 3 saffron strings (discretionary)

  • Informational:

  1. Make 4 to 5 openings within the mangoes and microwave them on Tall until delicate (1 to 2 minutes).
  2. Cool the mangoes, at that point evacuate the peel and inward seed. Put the mango mash in a huge bowl and squash it well using a fork or potato masher.
  3. In a expansive pan, mix together the sugar and water over moo warm. Bring it to a bubble, at that point increment the warm to medium-high.
  4. Proceed bubbling until fine, delicate strings frame (270°F or 135°C).
  5. Mix within the mango mash and include saffron strings (in case utilizing). Bubble until the blend thickens (approximately 5 minutes).
  6. Pour the cooked stick into sterilized jugs and seal concurring to canning directions².

Keep in mind to alter the sugar based on the readiness of your mangoes. Appreciate your hand crafted mango stick on toast, pastries, or as a sweet topping! 🥭🍯


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