Check out @telokanda Hive Dapp at and visit our discord ...
... to earn more kanda from airdrops here
TELOKANDA is an advertising platform complete with a blockchain outreach and distribution system crossing hive SCOT bot nitrous and telos EOSIO smart contracts and telos worker proposal system funded dapp development. We have the ability to harness advertising in blokchain social media like @dclick BUT TO ALSO harness the power of EOS telos and ethereum and its FUND RAISING ability . African and African American businesses may also get a stimulus in the media thanks to recent events and we MIST take advantage of this before the world FORGETS about Africa and African Americans.... if anything telokanda is inarguablyngood for the black commujity if only as a tool for financial education. We seek a self sustaining business .odel but we dan also make money through donations in the form of I vestment.... our steemit like frontnend condensor may attract people who don't care about ROI and just want Telokanda power to upvote and withdraw to telos perhaps. The hive AMD telos tokens we distribute will BE PURCHASED by 1. Investors 2. Advertisers and users wanting to promote their own links. @newlife-ai has also provided a GREAT inspiration for us and so has @appics and we hope to follow appics model for entering the lehitanite business world, fund raising and creating a mobile app to show users their tokens purchases were not in vein. The appics mobile allows users to stake the tokens they bought and use them in the app to earn MORE apx and Hive and EOS. Kanda right now allows hivebusers to earn TELOS By selling kanda theynwithdraw on and soon and THIS TELOS can be sold as eos....we may ALSO have erc20 and wos smart contracts allowing us to sell our KANDA for eos and ETH and allowing funs raising on eth ro perhaps give us the token sales the Telokanda and @wafrica groups deserve. If you can make posts here on and withdraw earnings ro telos KANDA to sell for telos....we can do the same for EOS and with the help of @someguy123 one day we will have eth and erc20s on hive and steem engine... its just a hassle.... but we WILL be able to one day allow people to get an erc20 ETHEREUM peg of KANDA they can deposit to get real hive or telos kanda... THE HIVE AND TELOS DAPP for telokanda will have DATA and usage stats that will DRIVE THE VALUE OF OUR ETH token which will have arbitrage to drive up the value of our hive and telos KANDA tokens thus becoming possible leaders in this world..... and AFRICA is the perfect place for this fintech system as ETHEREUM can be a tool for AFRICAN fintech and defi more than anywhere else....we ALREADY embrace USDC on discord @tipcc bot so we have Anonymous yet governed and responsible DISCORD wallets for US DOLLAR STABLE COINS on ethereum for BILLIONS of users here in TELOKANDA discord!
Remember telokanda has TELOS blockchain proposal support. We have a discord full of developers and developers in training...leaders are being trained on hive and on telos. We have some educational aspects as well since we as a hive communitybteach users about trading across multiple DEXs...eventually we will teach price arbitrage.
I will chek it....