Movie recommendation: "The Shawshank Redemption"

in RECREATIVE STEEM6 months ago


"The Shawshank Redemption" is an American drama film adapted from the 1982 novella by Stephen Edwin King. The film tells the story of an innocent banker, Andy, who was wrongly convicted of shooting his wife and her lover and was imprisoned. In Shawshank Prison, he used his wisdom and talents to plan his own salvation step by step, and finally successfully escaped and regained his life. The story of freedom.

Shawshank is a prison where many prisoners spent their lives. From the initial regret, unwillingness and hatred, to experiencing the pain of shattered hopes again and again, they began to despair and become numb. They gradually began to get used to prison life and even enjoyed prison life. Being cut off from the outside world for so long, they are fearful of the unknown world outside the prison. Some elderly prisoners who had served extremely long sentences chose to commit suicide after being released, unable to adapt to the completely unfamiliar outside world and face their inner fears. Hope is ruthlessly stifled, and tragedy happens silently all the time.

However, the appearance of one person injects fresh vitality into the uneventful prison life day after day. He is like a light that gradually revives those numb souls; he is like a little bird, whose feathers shine with the light of freedom. He is Andy Efron, a poor man framed by an innocent person, a talented banker who longs for freedom. Andy graduated from the University of Maine Business School. With his familiarity with the Bible, he won the appreciation of the warden and was transferred from the laundry room to the library. With his financial knowledge, he helped the prison guards avoid taxes and manage their finances, and won the favor of the prison warden. With his understanding of the household registration policy, he created a "person" that did not exist at all; with his knowledge of geology and architecture, he planned his own escape; because of his desire for freedom, he relied on his professional knowledge He won three bottles of beer for each of the inmates. He insisted on writing to the state government every week to ask for funding to expand the library. He maintained contact with the outside world by reading books. He played records for the inmates and even taught them Knowledge; with a small pair of pick-nose pliers, he worked hard day after day and year after year to break through the prison wall and crawl through the five hundred yards of sewer to find his way to freedom.

The film is known for its profound themes and excellent characterization. Through the creation of the character Andy, it shows the human desire and pursuit of freedom. Andy won the respect of prison guards and inmates through his wisdom and talent in prison. He used his financial knowledge to help prison officials avoid taxes, and even created a completely non-existent "person" to secure a life for himself after prison. Assure.

At the same time, the film also shows the complexity and dark side of human nature. The prisoners in the prison were deprived of their freedom and life was extremely difficult. Some chose to give up hope, while others still maintained their faith in life. The hypocrisy and cruelty of the warden and prison guards are also thought-provoking.

"The Shawshank Redemption" is a classic drama film that profoundly explores themes such as human nature, freedom and hope, making people think while being moved. The actors in the film performed well, and director Frank Darabont's direction was widely praised. The film was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and became a classic in film history.

In short, "The Shawshank Redemption" is a movie worth watching. It profoundly explores the complexity and dark side of human nature, and at the same time shows the human desire and pursuit of freedom. If you like dramas, this movie is not to be missed.


very interesting movie


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