Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W3: Three goals that I met and three that I want to achieve."

Some questions are very difficult about life and some are very easy. When I saw this challenge and thought about the theme of the questions,
I felt that a period of one year and mentioning three achievements in that period, which I have achieved, felt very difficult, but I did three. I had to achieve ambitious goals, but I achieved three, which I consider to be my best achievements this year. I will mention these three achievements here. Before writing this post i would like to invite to this challenge @anwar1976 @tariqkhanpti @jessica566 to this contest, hope they all will accept and will take participate.

It is my experience that whenever we set some goals in our life, we have to work regularly and value time to achieve them. If we don't value time to achieve goals, time will not value us.
Because work done on time only takes us closer to our destination. I have understood the importance of time while achieving these goals. Because if I did not give extra time to my students, there could be difficulties in completing the course. Thus, if I did not take care of my health and did not do medical check-ups on time, I would not know about the health status regularly.
If I didn't help the poor on time, I wouldn't have the heart, so I learned that if anything is not done on time, the consequences can come against you. And work done on time is always beneficial for you.
My main goal as a teacher was to prepare my students for the matriculation exams. Because they had lost a year due to covid-19, and the 2021-22 session was also short. Class 10th course is quite a difficult course so I set a target that in this short period, I will complete the course with hard work and extra time with my students, so that no student fails in the annual Matric exam.
So thanks to Allah Almighty, that all my students performed well in the exam, and I topped the exam, because as a teacher, the success of my students is my success.
The second goal is related to my health and I had a heart bypass done in December 2015. But last year due to covid-19 I could not walk much. During covid-19 I spent most of my time at home and because of that I could not walk so my cholesterol level increased and the doctor told me to be careful and diet, I tried very hard and carefully to control my cholesterol level.
I was very successful in keeping it normal and I continued my regular check ups during the year and thanks to Allah my blood cholesterol is very normal according to the current report.
I decided to myself that I would try to keep myself physically healthy by making changes in my diet and daily life, so I succeeded. The enjoyment of life lies in good health and if a person is not healthy then all the comforts of the world are in vain.
My third and most important goal was that I decided at the beginning of the year that I would distribute 15% of my online earnings to poor and needy people, and I named it Steemit Fund.
It was a difficult and very tempting goal. And I tried my best that whenever I took out money from my online earnings, I distributed 15% of it to the poor and needy. I am not telling you all this to show it off. But its only purpose is that you all also continue this act of charity and charity,
so that we will be blessed with success in this world and the hereafter due to good deeds. Good deeds in life will be our work, and honor in the world always belongs to the doer of good deeds.
Because I think that I am an unworthy person and people who are more worthy than me are living a life of hunger and poverty in this world and if I spend a part of my income on these poor and needy people, then Allah and His Messenger will be pleased with me.
It will happen and may be Allah will forgive me for the charity of this action in the hereafter. I would thank Allah very much that I followed it and regularly distributed the allocated portion of my earned income to the needy. I understand that I am a sinful person and maybe this work will be the reason for my forgiveness in the hereafter. And this achievement of mine is the biggest achievement in the whole year.
Dear friends! We set goals for ourselves, but sometimes we should also set goals to make life easier for others, it will make our life happier.

It is my experience that whenever we set some goals in our life, we have to work regularly and value time to achieve them. If we don't value time to achieve goals, time will not value us.
Because work done on time only takes us closer to our destination. I have understood the importance of time while achieving these goals. Because if I did not give extra time to my students, there could be difficulties in completing the course. Thus, if I did not take care of my health and did not do medical check-ups on time, I would not know about the health status regularly.
If I didn't help the poor on time, I wouldn't have the heart, so I learned that if anything is not done on time, the consequences can come against you. And work done on time is always beneficial for you.
I have learned during this time that hard work never goes away. And whenever you move forward to achieve your goal with hard work, honesty and perseverance, success will kiss your feet.

I currently have some life goals that I want to achieve before I die. The first goal is that I want to do something for the poor and indigent people and to establish an organization where I can help the poor families financially every month. It is my dream to do something for the poor people. Awalys Do a good job with honesty .
Second, one of my goals is to build a beautiful house for myself in Mianwali city.
Third and the most special goal of mine is that I want to perform Hajj. I want to go to Makkah to visit the House of Allah. I have a great desire in my life to perform Hajj to the House of Allah.
These are my three big wishes at this time and God willing, by the command of Allah, Allah will definitely fulfill these three wishes of mine.
I believe that if a person's intentions are firm, he achieves every destination and I will collect money to meet the expenses of Hajj and drop by drop becomes a river. I will also save a little to build a house and the house will be built and I will spend 15% of my income to help the needy and one day this small effort will turn into a sea. I believe there is greatness in hard work.

I believe that if a person works with consistency and does not cheat anyone, he can achieve every success in life. I always say that one needs to take the first step to achieve success. If somewhere I feel that I cannot do this work or that it is difficult for me to achieve this goal, then I will say to myself at that time that @yousafharoonkhan do not worry, even if I fail a thousand times in achieving the goal, one day success is destined. It happens. This is what I would say to myself, don't give up and keep trying.
Thank you all so much for reading this post of mine and if you like it then never forget to praise me, your praise is my strength thank you very much.
First of all congratulations on all of your achievements which you made possible through your hard work and I know if you do work on your Students then you will also hit your targets soon.
You clearly mentioned all the required things in a very good way.
Good luck with the contest and please also visit my post.
Regards: @cryptobitcoins
my students are my asset and i love reading, learning and teaching, it is my passion, covid-19 disturbed the education system very much, so students were lazy in study so i did my best effort to full fill , thank you very much for great appreciation
Welcome Sir, I will be very grateful if you kindly visit my profile and read my posts too...
Regards: @cryptobitcoins
Amigo que buenas metas quiere cumplir, yo sé que todo lo que nos propongamos lo podemos cumplir sigue así espero que cumplas toda sus metas. Saludos
every goad demand effort and hard work ,so i believe that hard work and struggle to achieve goal never go vain, thank you very much respected for visiting my post
It is sad to know that you are having issues, your bypass of heart is done also. And now after Covid you can't walk much. Keep growing and stay healthy. Use healthy things for your good health.
it is life, very pain come to test our trust on Allah, so i am now good , healthy but Bc is not good for health, so thank you great pray, may Allah bless you great smile and success
May Allah bless you, for the doing good with other people, with needy people may Allah make this a Zakheera For you.
پہلے میں آپ کی صحت کے لیے دعا کروں گا۔ آپ عظیم استاد ہیں. میں نے آپ کی ہر پوسٹ میں دیکھا کہ آپ ہمیشہ لوگوں کی مدد کرنا پسند کرتے ہیں۔ جناب آپ دوسرے کے بارے میں بات کر رہے ہیں اور آپ کی کامیابی دوسرے کے ساتھ جڑی ہوئی ہے لہذا یہ بہت اچھا طریقہ ہے جو آپ کو بہترین انسان بناتا ہے
thank you very much respected tariq for these good words, i think every one is great man, every one has great ability so it is your great respect that you described my name in good words thank you very much
bhut achi post lakhi hai aur ap nay kay khailat bhut he zabardust hain
We know that your faith and the idea of unselfishly doing good and right for the community prevents you from giving yourself your weekly 100% vote for being a curator. As a team we have decided to do this for you ;-)) Two halves are also a whole ;-)) Respect for you!
Saludos estimiado amigo.
Los logros son importantes de cumplir y como educador es un ejemplo de vida hacia quienes enseñamos.
Debe cuidar más de sus salud, hay algunos ejercicios estacionarios, los cuales puede hacer sin salir de su casa, lo invito a ver siguiente link:
Aquí tiene una guía para poder trabajr esos ejercicios que le pueden ayudar a mantener su salud. (puede consultar con su médico si los puede hacer)
Y lo de compartir parte de sus ganancias con personas en situación de pobreza es un gesto muy noble, yo también lo he hecho, aportando un 10 % de mis ganancias a acciones de caridad.
Éxitos en todas sus metas
Saya setuju dengan publikasi dan kata-kata motivasi yang anda bagikan, berbuat baik.untuk orang lain akan dapat membuat kita bahagia juga, semiga anda selalu sehat dan makin sukses di karirnya.
Salam dari Indonesia
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @scilwa, which is a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. We can also be found on our hive community & peakd as well as on my Discord Server
Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia