#burnsteem25: Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W4: Healthy Routines by @yakspeace

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago (edited)

Edited with photocollage maker


Greetings dear friends of recreative steam. With great joy in my heart, I'm here once again to participate in the week2 of the engagement contest organized by this community on the theme“ Healthy routines” seriously, when i saw this topic i was so overwhelmed. Thank you very much for coming up with this beautiful topic.

Daily routine

A healthy routine is our everyday life which comprises the way we humans think, feels, and act daily. All the activities we do each day described our daily routine. And the importance of daily routine is to keep our body healthy and also to meet up with our needs. Most often than known people always set time for their healthy routine each day. Some of the healthy routines carried out by most humans are, Reading inspirational books, meditating, eating healthy food e.t.c.

There is a saying that said, health is wealth. So for us to live long and enjoy this beautiful life given to us by God, a healthy routine should be part of our daily life. We should always know the time in which we will do each of our daily routines. As for me before i sleep at night i usually make plans on all the activities i will do for the next day and that has been helping me a lot.

What Moves Me Each Day To Go Out Into The World To Fulfill My Responsibilities?

God created us for a purpose and each purpose must be fulfilled according to his riches and glory. So the first thing that moves me each day is to appreciate my creator for giving me the privileges to be among the living and for the protection he has given me since i was a child till date.

Another thing that moves me is to be successful in life. I always have this purpose and intention of being great in life and for me to archive that, my daily life and activities contribute to the plans for me to archive my set goals. Each day i wake up from my bath, i consciously make decisions that will take me closer to achieving my desires.

What things do you do or what methods do you use to keep yourself balanced? Explain (health, beauty, fitness, sport, devotion).

Some of the things I do to keep myself balanced are;

Devotion simply means to be committed to doing certain things in life which will help one focus. As for me, I took it as a responsibility to always communicate with my creator through the morning devotion prayers. I believe in God and his works in my life. So i don't joke about walking with my God today and always.

I always study my Bible first thing in the morning in other to have a clear understanding of the things i should do and the things i shouldn't do in life because, the word of God is the roadmap for my daily life, it has all the things i need for godliness and to create meaningful direction.

: Each day I wake up from beth I always take a cup of water to wash down my body system, as we all know water is life, and for us to live more healthier we need to drink more water. Drinking one cup of water in the morning makes me stronger and feet for the remaining activities.


I don't joke with my morning exercise, i always exercise my body just to keep fit. Sometimes i go out in the morning for walk out, that's if i don't have much activity in the morning. But when i have many things to do i often do my exercise in my room just to maintain my body shape.


Eating healthy meals:
I always eat good food, and i make sure that i eat my meal at the right time. Eating healthy meals plays an important role in my life, it keeps my body more active and healthier. It also protects my body from any form of the disease. I took it as a duty to always consume fruits daily because it's very nutritious to my body and it always makes me look fresh.

Watching movies and listing to good music:
I watch movies or listen to good music when I'm stressed out from work. So it helps my brain to be more relieved from all the stress.

Do you feel that there are things you can improve in your routine? mention them.

Ooh yes, I feel there are things i can improve in my routine, one of the things is to have more time to study my Bible and also do my exercise on daily basis, sometimes i skip doing my exercise because of my schedule o just wish i can improve in this aspect.

Would you like to add any other routine to your life? What would?

Yes, I would like to add more routine to my life, but as it stands now o don't have much time for myself, my work is so demanding but even at that, i wish to have time to interact with my love once on daily basis and also visit new places.

Are you satisfied with your current lifestyle or do you think it could be better?

For sure I'm satisfied with my current lifestyle, God has a way of doing things, as humans, we can't have all we want at the same time but the only thing we can do is to thank God for the ones we have and work harder towards archiving our daily need. So I'm so grateful to God and I'm satisfied with my lifestyle for now.

Which of the routines you perform would you recommend?

It is not always easy for people to change their daily routines because everyone has a clear understanding of how he or she wants to live their life, but the only routine i can recommend is morning devotion. Let us try and always appreciate God for the gift of life. Being alive today is not by our strange but it is by his Grace. So i think it will be very nice if we make it a routine to always worship and communicate with our Creator in that way life will be more favorable for us.


In conclusion, a healthy routine is very important for our day-to-day activities. I wish yo invite @olabillions @josepha @ishayachris @mjerry to come and participate in this contest.
 2 years ago 

Hola amiga así es dios nos creo a todos con un propósito y una misión y cuando hacemos las cosas demos hacerla con mente positiva para obtener buenos resultados.

La devoción es una de las cosas que todos debemos hacer amiga y más cuando dedicamos tiempo a dios, tiene razón tomar un vaso de agua es muy buena para nuestra salud al igual que consumir alimentos saludables

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Thank you very much for reading through my article sir, your comment is highly appreciated 🙏

 2 years ago 

Felicitaciones, se nota que es usted una persona metódica, preocupada por sus responsabilidades y por su desarrollo individual; su plan de actividades está perfectamente delineado, lo cual le debe proporcionar un equilibrio ideal para alcanzar sus metas. Éxitos..

Thank you for the kind words sir. I am so grateful 🙏


In life whenever we think about getting successfull that is how the motivation for we to go out will be stronger since we have determined to achieve greater success. I love the fact that you like reading inspirational books and meditating on the things of God.

Thank you for inviting me and best of luck to you.

You are right sir, motivation comes when we are determine to archive our set goals. Reading the word of God always makes me to learn new things. Thank you for the wonderful comments i really appreciate 🙏

Great routing, from exercise, reading, eating and watching movie is a well selected routing.
It will balance both your phisical and mental state of being. Thanks for sharing with us dear freind.

You are doing the right thing by exercising every day so that you grow healthily. Rarely do people take as much time as you do to exercise. I enjoy listening to it.

I also share about healthy routines, if you have time please take a look and I will be happy.

Thank you for reading through, i'm most grateful.

I am very happy to read your article and I am fascinated by the contents of all the articles that you present. I hope you also visit my publications.

You have highlighted a few important practices that contribute to a daily healthy routine. Devotion keeps you active with the word of God, water is very essential likewise adequate exercise for the body. And eating healthy meals is not an exception, in fact, it's important for healthy living.

It's great reading through this piece and I wish you the best in the contest, @yakspeace.

Thank you very much for reading through my article, i'm most grateful sir.🙏

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