SEC - S9W6: " My Biggest Challenge "

in RECREATIVE STEEMlast year (edited)

This week also @hive-141434 brings a contest on a very Important topic of life S9W6: " My Biggest Challenge "

I would like to invite 3 of my friends to participate in this great contest and I have full hope that they will take my invitation seriously and participate in the contest.

I am sure that some or the other challenge definitely comes in the life of all the human beings of the world, and many people overcome those challenges by accepting those challenges, solving them.

And many people do harm to themselves by not facing those challenges, being afraid of them. And unintentionally go into a difficult situation.

Many people even reach a state of depression after being defeated by challenges, and then invite diseases like hypertension, heart attack. That's why I say that every challenge should be faced firmly no matter what the consequences are.

What has been my biggest challenge?

It was a very confusing situation, when I started a pharmaceutical manufacturing factory with some of my friends, let me tell you that I was a government officer, I started this factory in the name of my wife, because from the beginning I Was very ambitious. But I was able to overcome the challenges of setting up and running this factory.



The real challenge started when this factory started running well and started earning, then one of my friends started dishonesty in it and the samples of our medicines were found to be substandard, the credibility of our factory was destroyed, we rest of the friends Lawsuits ensued, we were financially devastated.

My bank balance became zero, my social and mental condition was very bad. He was also sitting after taking leave from his government services, so he was not getting his salary. I started going into depression, started drinking during the day, took loans from friends, started gambling in clubs.



Tell us how you got over it?

My wife also came to know that I was drinking alcohol and gambling during the day by borrowing money from friends, and due to this the financial condition of our family was getting worse.

One day when I reached home in the evening, my wife very patiently explained to me that I am not doing right, this path is the path of downfall. I'll repay your loan, but you swear you'll never gamble again.

I took a vow on the same day and made a firm promise to my wife that I will not gamble anymore and the next day I went to my office and joined my services again, I was posted in a far away city. I left my gambling addiction with a very firm intention and started living in another city with a room, sometimes I used to miss gambling but I used to control it with firm determination.



And in this way my life started moving in the right direction again, my financial condition also started improving. And forgetting everything, I started focusing only on my work.

What advice can you give us from your experience?

I would like to give only one advice from my experience that in any critical situation, a person should not be disappointed and frustrated, but to deal with that situation, he should think of new tricks with courage, should face the situation. Wrong decisions taken in despair and wrong actions done can destroy and ruin your life.

Thank you so much for reading my post.



Es impresionante como la mala jugada de uno de tus amigos casi te llevó a la destrucción, gracias a Dios que tu esposa te ayudó y pudiste levantarte, seguir el camino y no volver a caer en los vicios...

El mejor consejo que nos puedes dar desde tu experiencia es ese, enfrentar con coraje cualquier circunstancia que se nos presente...

Te deseo mucho éxito y bendiciones amigo!

Muchas gracias por tomarse su valioso tiempo para leer mi publicación y dejar comentarios tan hermosos sobre ella.

Usted cuenta con una esposa que lo ama sinceramente porque es en las dificultades cuando el amor se pone a prueba ,la superaron con paciencia y amor.

La ambición no es buena consejera,lamento que sus socios lo hayan arrastrado a esa situación pero no es el primero al que le pasa algo así,lo importante es que contó con el apoyo para no hundirse más .

A veces necesitamos esa mano amiga para salir a flote,gracias por este intercambio de experiencias 😃

Muchas gracias por sus amables comentarios.
saludos y muchas bendiciones


Hello friend @sur-riti,

You mentioned that your challenge started when your working factory started doing well and started earning. Then a friend of yours starts cheating on it and your drug samples turn out to be substandard. The credibility of your factory was destroyed which was very unfortunate for you. You sued the rest of your friends and you were financially devastated. Then you faced the situation with patience. I appreciate your presentation. Good luck to you.

Yes, I was fortunate, that I was able to survive this tragedy twice.

Hello, you had an excellent attitude to face the challenges of your medicine factory and the addiction to games.

Thank God you had an angel in the form of your wife who supported you and you overcame everything. It is also important to highlight that your determination was paramount.

Thank you for your excellent advice for those who are in a similar situation.

Thank you for the invitation.

Success and prosperity

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