#Burnsteem25 || If I were a superhero! || by @simonnwigwe


Greetings everyone,
It is yet another special week with a very wonderful contest. This week the contest talks about what I will do if I were a superhero. Everyone watches movies and most times we admire some superheroes because of the role they play in the movie. With this, we wish to be like them and sometimes we go as far as answering their names as well.

When we talk about superheroes, we are referring to people with superpowers. They are human like every other person but they have a special ability to perform some other functions. Most times we look at the team Avengers as a clear example of superheroes since everyone on the team has a special gift of talent that others don't have.

If you were given a superpower, which one would you want?


If I am allowed to select a superpower, I will choose super speed which is a superpower associated with Flash. In the human world today he is regarded as the fastest man alive because of the speed he carries. The reason I have chosen this superpower is that I have seen a lot of things happen and before I could get to the event centre to help out it was usually too late.

What would be the first thing you would do with this superpower?

If I have this superpower, the first thing I will do is to ensure I save all those who are in trouble. A lot of accidents and kidnapping as well as killing is going on currently in my country today. With this super speed, I can rescue as many as possible even before they get hurt. I have seen a lot of people helpless today because no one will come to their aid.


Many things are going wrong today because nobody can stop them. With my super speed as a superhero, I can make the changes I wish to see in the world today. So that is the first thing I will do if I'm given a superpower.

A supervillain is about to take over your city. Tell how you would defend the city.

With the super speed, I have, any supervillain who wants to attack my city can be hurried stopped. Since I have the speed before the supervillain will do any move I will stop the action with my speed. For example, if it is about to cause a fire outbreak or an accident in a particular location, I can hurridly rescue all those involved in it and also take it unaware since I have the speed to do that.

Do you consider that a superpower would help you change the world or your surroundings?

Yes, I'm very confident that if I have the super speed superpower, I will be able to change the world and my immediate environment. I'm certain that the rate of crime will reduce because I will ensure I use my super speed to track all those who are involved in all illegal activities and also come to the rescue of all those in trouble. Everyone will live in a better world because of the assurance that they are saved.


Having a superpower will go a long way in making save as many as possible. I have watched helplessly where people are treated badly because no one could help them. So with this superpower, I can be able to save as many as possible. I want to invite my friends @jdkeys, @dave-hanny and @yakspeace to also join the contest in this community today.

 2 years ago 

Hello @simonnwigwe you chose a good superpower, having a super speed helps to be quick and agile in the face of dangerous circusntances.

Glad you share with us and participate in the initiative eb the Community.

Have a nice day 😀

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Thank you so much dear.

Thank you for the invite sir, Indeed have superpower will go a long way by helping people to save as many as possible, You have made a good choice by selecting the super speed it is indeed very fast. I wish you all the best.

Thanks my friend

You are welcome.


Yeah everyone loves this character. We have seen his potential through the TV series. I guess you could do a lot if you have this crazy speed

Yes my friend thanks for your comment and contributions

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