🎶COMRADE - original song written & performed by @shemZee & Yavor ENG/ESP

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago

Dear friends,
My mate Yavor & I recorded an original song of mine called DRUGARYU /which means"Comrade" / using a poem by Stanimir Dimitrov.
"Comrade" is a poignant song penned by Stanimir Dimitrov, encapsulating the complex dynamics of camaraderie, equality, and underlying power structures in socialist societies. The term "Comrade," deeply ingrained in socialist culture, symbolizes equality among individuals, yet its practical usage often masked hierarchical relationships, where it replaced "Sir" in addressing superiors.

Dimitrov's lyrics skillfully navigate these themes, painting a picture of a world teeming with individuals striving for connection amidst the crowdedness of societal expectations. The repeated refrain, "Comrade, in this crowded sphere," echoes the sentiment of a shared struggle within the confines of a society marked by conformity and uniformity.

The imagery evoked by phrases like "brimming, far too full" and "reaching out, grasping" conveys a sense of suffocation and desperation, where individuals vie for recognition and validation in a system that often overlooks their individuality. Despite this struggle, the notion of camaraderie persists, emphasizing a collective bond forged through shared experiences and hardships.

Dimitrov's lyrics take a poignant turn as he acknowledges the fragility of faith and the power of love to transcend boundaries. Through lines like "With razor's edge, your faith to tear" and "Bursting with love, beyond compare," he highlights the vulnerability inherent in human connections, juxtaposed against the strength derived from genuine affection and solidarity.

The song's analysis of human emotions, from the depths of despair to the heights of joy, resonates deeply, underscoring the universal human experience amidst the backdrop of socialist ideology. It serves as a reminder of the complexities inherent in societal structures and the enduring power of human connection to transcend them.

English translation of the lyrics:
Comrade, in this crowded sphere,
It's brimming, far too full, I fear –
Reaching out, grasping, each one near,
Yet brother, we're comrades, let that be clear!

But if someone from behind should dare,
With razor's edge, your faith to tear –
Know this, my friend, it's me, I swear,
Bursting with love, beyond compare!

And I hope these words sound kind,
For impoliteness, I'm disinclined.
If I curse you, it's a fault of mine,
Yet secretly touching you is divine.

Comrade, in this crowded sphere,
It's brimming, far too full, I fear –
Reaching out, grasping, each one near,
Yet brother, we're comrades, let that be clear!

In you, feelings and worlds take flight –
A thousand mountains, oceans bright!
And no sound... when all is right –
Turns oceans into planets, light.

Comrade, in this crowded sphere,
It's brimming, far too full, I fear –
Reaching out, grasping, each one near,
Yet brother, we're comrades, let that be clear!


Queridos amigos,

Mi compañero Yavor y yo grabamos una canción original mía llamada DRUGARYU /que significa "Camarada" / utilizando un poema de Stanimir Dimitrov.

"Camarada" es una canción conmovedora escrita por Stanimir Dimitrov, que encapsula las dinámicas complejas de camaradería, igualdad y las estructuras de poder subyacentes en las sociedades socialistas. El término "Camarada", profundamente arraigado en la cultura socialista, simboliza la igualdad entre individuos, sin embargo, su uso práctico a menudo enmascaraba relaciones jerárquicas, donde reemplazaba a "Señor" al dirigirse a superiores.

Las letras de Dimitrov navegan hábilmente estos temas, pintando un cuadro de un mundo lleno de individuos que luchan por la conexión en medio del hacinamiento de las expectativas sociales. El estribillo repetido, "Camarada, en esta esfera abarrotada", hace eco del sentimiento de una lucha compartida dentro de los confines de una sociedad marcada por la conformidad y la uniformidad.

Las imágenes evocadas por frases como "rebosante, demasiado lleno" y "alcanzando, agarrando" transmiten una sensación de sofocación y desesperación, donde los individuos luchan por el reconocimiento y la validación en un sistema que a menudo pasa por alto su individualidad. A pesar de esta lucha, la noción de camaradería persiste, enfatizando un vínculo colectivo forjado a través de experiencias compartidas y dificultades.

Las letras de Dimitrov dan un giro conmovedor al reconocer la fragilidad de la fe y el poder del amor para trascender fronteras. A través de líneas como "Con el filo de una navaja, tu fe desgarrar" y "Desbordante de amor, sin comparación", resalta la vulnerabilidad inherente en las conexiones humanas, yuxtapuesta contra la fuerza derivada del afecto genuino y la solidaridad.

El análisis de la canción de las emociones humanas, desde las profundidades de la desesperación hasta las alturas de la alegría, resuena profundamente, subrayando la experiencia humana universal en medio del telón de fondo de la ideología socialista. Sirve como un recordatorio de las complejidades inherentes en las estructuras sociales y el poder perdurable de la conexión humana para trascenderlas.

Camarada, en esta esfera abarrotada,
Está rebosante, demasiado llena, me temo –
Alcanzando, agarrando, cada uno cerca,
¡Pero hermano, somos camaradas, que eso quede claro!

Pero si alguien desde atrás se atreve,
Con el filo de una navaja, tu fe desgarrar –
Sabes esto, amigo mío, soy yo, lo juro,
¡Desbordante de amor, sin comparación!

Y espero que estas palabras suenen amables,
Porque la impoliticidad no me inclina.
Si te maldigo, es culpa mía,
Aunque secretamente tocarte es divino.

Camarada, en esta esfera abarrotada,
Está rebosante, demasiado llena, me temo –
Alcanzando, agarrando, cada uno cerca,
¡Pero hermano, somos camaradas, que eso quede claro!

En ti, los sentimientos y mundos toman vuelo –
¡Mil montañas, océanos brillantes!
Y ningún sonido... cuando todo está bien –
Convierte océanos en planetas, luz.

Camarada, en esta esfera abarrotada,
Está rebosante, demasiado llena, me temo –
Alcanzando, agarrando, cada uno cerca,
¡Pero hermano, somos camaradas, que eso quede claro!

Original Bulgarian lyrics:
Другарю, в този скапан свят
е пълно, твърде пълно с тъпанари –
посягаш, хващаш, кой да е от нас,
все тая, братко - всички сме другари!

И все пак, ако някой изотзад
с бръснач проникне в крехката ти вяра –
да знаеш, че това съм точно АЗ
избухнал в любовта си към другаря!

И искам да ти прозвучи добре,
защото иначе не е учтиво.
Напсувам ли те, съм възпитан зле
но щом те мушна тайно е красиво.

Другарю, в този скапан свят
е пълно, твърде пълно с тъпанари –
посягаш, хващаш, кой да е от нас,
все тая, братко - всички сме другари!

И в теб се раждат чувства, светове –
хиляда планини и сто морета!
И нито звук...човек щом е добре –
превръща океаните в планета...

Другарю, в този скапан свят
е пълно, твърде пълно с тъпанари –
посягаш, хващаш, кой да е от нас,
все тая, братко - всички сме другари

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