SEC S17W2: "Protecting children".

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago
Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. This is me @shahid2030 from Pakistan and you are here reading my post. You all are welcome here from the core of my heart.

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This is my participation in a contest Protecting children organized in RECREATIVE STEEM by @hive-141434.

Explain in your own words, what does Child Slavery mean and what are its most common manifestations?


Child slavery in simple words means, forcing children to do work. It is a kind of exploiting them under harmful conditions without their will. Child slavery keep deprives children of their basic rights. It restricts their freedom, and childhood, subjecting them to physical, emotional, and psychological abuse.

Child Slavery is of many types. Some people use them for labor work, some for bagging, and even their is a worse form, some people use them for sex purposes.

Child Slavery or child labor are both severe crimes. It's an illegal act and even their is a resolution for it United Nations. UNHCR is a special organization working for children rights and giving them better life.

How does forced labor impact the lives of children


It adversely affects the life of children. It is considered as a physical, emotional, and psychological abuse to them. It gives trauma to children. This is a severe crime and it is keeping children deprive from their basic rights.

A child who have experienced labor work in his childhood is completely change from other normal children. He/she will have many psychological and physical problems. He will be mentally disturb or unstable.

It is mostly seen that such children when grow up are more harsh kind of people, having extreme kind of mentality. The soft human inside them is killed by the outside harsh society.

What strategies do you consider effective to eradicate forced labor in children?


Children labor even still exist in this modern world we live. This thing is very common in under developed countries; some Asian countries and some parts of Africa. I would suggest some points which will help us decrease child slavery.

Fine and punishment
Their should be high fine against the offenders. Those who are find to be involved in such activities should be charged high fines. Along with it, they should be given harsh punishment. The punishment should be in the form of ten to fifteen years sentence.

Children rights organization
Their must be children rights organizations within the state. Their solo aim should be the protection of children from such a harm. UNHCR is the best example of it.

Allowances for children
Poor children should be given allowances so they can continue their education and fullfil the basic needs of their families.

Do you think it is essential that children have the freedom to fully develop and fulfill their dreams? Explain your answer.


My answer is Yes and ofcourse they have all the rights to live their lives freely and fullfil their dreams. It's the fundamental right of every human being. Even children need more care, freedom and soft nurturing then elders, because they are at the growing stages. They need better environment for their best grooming.

In my religion Islam children are given special status. It teaches us that children should be treated softly and gently. They should be given all love and care. Our Beloved Prophet (SAW) says: "He isn't among us, who doesn't show mercy on children." He (SAW) would really love the company of children.

So from all aspects, if it's religious or worldly, children are given special status. They must be given a beautiful life full of joy, pleasure and entertainment. They should be allowed to nourish and develop freely.

This is all about my blog for today, hope you guys have enjoyed reading it. See you soon with a new amazing and interesting topic, till take care.


I would like to invite: @goodybest, @ripon0630 @emsonic, @miyexi, to participate in this Contest

Your presence here means alot
Thanks for being here

Regard shahid2030



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Hello @shahid2030 hope you are having a good day.It hurts them and takes away their childhood. We need to stop it by punishing the bad people and helping kids go to school.

Forced labor hurts kids a lot. It's bad for them and makes them sad. We need to stop it by letting kids go to school and have a good life.🥲

Yes, kids should be free to be happy and chase their dreams.thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

Thank you dear friend for your precious comment here. Keep blessing.

Greetings @shahid2030
Child slavery is a heinous practice of forcing children to labor against their will, denying them basic rights and subjecting them to physical, mental and emotional abuse. To eliminate forced labor among children, effective strategies include imposing severe fines and penalties on offenders. Children should have the freedom to develop and fulfill their dreams. It is their basic right, essential for their growth and well-being.

Thank you so much dear friend for your precious response. Keep blessing.


What a creative post, yes I can a gree with you, every child needs care and love, child labor is very bad and we needs to put eye on those using these children to make money , these children needs our protection on all angle not to use them like donkeys.

Thank you so much dear friend for your precious response. Keep blessing.

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