"POWER RECREATIVE: small powerup of converting 20 steems"

My Dear steemies
I am @saravanan-n from Tamilnadu
Today is Wednesday, 03/04/2024

First of all I would like to thank you very much for conducting this wonderful contest of Concurso: POWER RECREATIVE through the community of #Recreativesteem.


Source Link

Contest Tips
  • How many posts did you manage to make in the last 7 days, and in which communities did you make them?
  • What content did you enjoy the most while putting it together in your post?
  • How many comments and votes did you give in your last week? (You will see it in your CSI of steemworld.org) (Dapp of @stemchiller)
  • Make your Steem Power ignition (Present the previous balance, the ignition and the final balance).


How many posts did you manage to make in the last 7 days, and in which communities did you make them?

Every week I had trying to maintain the post atleast 14 to 20 post in every week. But at last week I had didn't focus in this steemit platform because I had few days I had more work in my office 😕 but I had trying my best and I had put a few amount of post in this steemit platform. Now I will show my all the post from the steemworld website. Totally 13 post as 7 in normal post and 6 in contest post



What content did you enjoy the most while putting it together in your post?

In this last week I had put a post among the contest only I had also take a participate in the steem engagement challenge also and then In powerup contest, TRX stacking and some normal post. Now I had focusing on all the powerup contest.



How many comments and votes did you give in your last week? (You will see it in your CSI of steemworld.org) (Dapp of @stemchiller)

Currently from the steemworld website I had having 6.3 as a voting CSI and then I had shared a picture at below it will show that my last 7 days incoming vote and outgoing votes.




Make your Steem Power ignition (Present the previous balance, the ignition and the final balance).

I had few amount of steems in my account so I had converted them into steempower. First I had login to my account and then click the arrow mark near steems now I had clicked the powerup and enter 20 in the empty box then click ok. After that I had checked all the details which is shown in the screen and then click ok. It will ask a active key so I had entered my key and click ok. That's all I had completed my weekly powerup within few minutes.




Before power up :349.885
Power up steem :20.00
After power up :369.885


Powerup is very very important in this steemit platform and maintain the club status and get new supports and more curation rewards and some other benefits from doing powerup.

Thanks for giving this wonderful opportunity to take a participate in this contest and also I had like to invite my friends @ebrahim2021 @jyoti-thelight @shravana to join in this contest.

Reward by



Hello friend, I have seen clearly from your post that you have been very active here on the steemit platform, having about 13 post in a week is not a small achievement but look at the heading of some of your post, i think i haven't found some topics displayed on disconnect contest compilation.

Were they posted on your personal blog?, I wish you more success here, and i hope to see your steem power grow as you continue to perform more power ups and perform contest in communities. Goodluck friend💕.

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USDT 1.00
SBD 3.48