Meditating on verses: Proverbs 6: 16-18

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Hello friends,

Am so glad to take part in this contest. I am a lover of the book of proverbs, maybe because of the great wisdom of the author. I appreciate @graceleon for hosting this contest.

Chose the text and explain it in your own words of what you can interpret making simple exegesis of what you understand from the suggested verses

My selection is for meditation is Proverbs 6:16-18

There are six kinds of people, and one more may be added that God cannot bear: The proud people, the violent people, the lying people, the wicked people, the people eager to do bad, the people who lie in judgment, and the one that causes family disputes

The writer of the text above was clearly telling us about the 7 categories of people that the lord does not like. He doesn't like them for their several actions they get involved with. Let's look at their various actions and x-ray them.

  • The proud People

One of the important virtues that Christ wants his children to have is humility. Humility is the opposite of pride. Anyone who is not humble is simply proud.

A proud person simply feels he doesn't need anybody including God. And the scripture has told us countless time that God always brings down the proud.

Let me give u this example..imagine been a parent. And your child wakes up one morning, decides not to greet you, not to talk to you. The child goes out during the day and comes home late at night.

The child begins to tell other siblings that they are way below his standards therefore should not associates with him. The child simply makes it obvious to you that I don't need you as a parent and I don't need my siblings.

This is exactly what proud people do and that is why God doesn't like them.

  • Violent People

The violent are simply people who are always forceful in a negative way and uses it to get what they want even if it means to take life.

No one has the power to give the breath of life except God, so why would you take take a life that you can not give? I believe this is why God is upset with such people including people who causes harm to others. Life is precious and should be treated as such.

  • Lying People

One of the reasons why God doesn't like this set of people is because he doesn't like the founder of lies which is the devil. He once said that Satan is the father of all liars. So if you are a lying person, God sees you as his enemy because you he is not your father.

  • Wicked People

Yes this is the next set that God doesn't like. Wickedness is not a good virtue and it is not found in Christ. God frons at wicked people because they left all his virtues in him and decides to take up a virtue not from him.

  • People eager to do bad

How can you be eager to do bad when God is the father of all good things. This why God can not bear them.

  • People who lie in judgement

These set of people are practically seen as false witness. They lie against people either in the presence or absence. We should not be seen bearing false witness. If you didn't witness something no need to lie about it or try to change the story.

  • Those who causes family disputes

This really a very critical set of people. Family is one of God's priorities. That is why he says what God has joined together let no man put asunder! So when you cause a dispute you are breaking a fundamental command of God. This is why he doesn't like such people.

God is not an author of dispute or confusion..

what Practical application can you substract from the verses read?
Screenshot_20230828-185707_1.jpgscreenshot from my mobile device bible

From the verses read above, there are practically application and I would try as much to explain some to you.

In life there are several kinds of people you will meet. There are people who might not like you because you do better than they are doing in your field of experience.

Some of them instead of coming to ask and find out what makes you outstanding or learn from you(pride), some may decide to strat plotting evil against you(eager to do bad), some may decide to start lying against you(lying People) to bring you down.

They might even decide to plan or arrange an event to get you out of your work place or field or kill your dream( people who lie in judgement) and if their hearts are now so dark, might decide to take your life(violent people)

Over here in my country I have seen how other people where used as a vessel to break homes, kill people and defraud people through scams and other vices. All these where possible because these set of people listed in that verse are still much present today.

Do you like the poetry language used by the author in proverbs? Is it easy for you to memorize or paraphrase what you read?

Like I said earlier, I love the book of proverbs so if I do it generally means I love poetry.

Yes it easy for me to memorize and even paraphrase what I have read. Let me try to paraphrase the book of proverbs 6:16-18

These are the 7 times of people that God doesn't allow them come close to him even when they pray. Those who doesn't acknowledge they need him, those who act like they own lives, those who say things that didn't really happen, those who make others cry, those willing to cause harm, those who bear false witness and those who are home breakers.

Let me invite my friends to meditate on this scripture and tell me what they think about it @ninapenda @sahmie @lhorgic



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Thank you so much ma @graceleon

Muy lindas palabras amigo son muy inspiradoras te felicito

Thank you so much

Hi @ruthjoe,

I love your smooth and clear explanation on this topic. When it comes to the word of God, I trust your capability to explain it even to a lame man's understanding.

The book of proverb is very deep that when one starts to meditate on it, you get even more clarity than you know. I enjoy reading it a lot because a lot is in there for me.

Thank you for the invite !

Thank you for responding to my invite..
Am so happy you were blessed by my interpretation of the scripture.

And yes it's true, proverbs has lots of lessons to teach us.

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