Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W3: Three goals that I met and three that I want to achieve.

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago

[Edited with Canva]

Hello my friends.

Greetings to all and welcome to this week's engagement challenge. I today I bring to you my entry on this amazing topic brought to us by the Recreative Steem community.

So without retards I will discuss on the topic Three goals that I met and three that I want to achieve. it's all about goals and we know as humans the only proper way to succeed is set goals.

Reasons we ought to set goals is because we desire some level of achievement and aspire to have it all some day. Most oftens some goals are fast attained or short term while others are long term goals. To begin, I will start with attained goals and others precede too.

What Are Those Three Goals That I Managed To Accomplish This Year?

Behold to be reastistic my friends life is not fair at all times, some days we are like we figure it out, got it going and the next time you just fall back in the same sport and the process continues.

The past 8 months have not been easy on my side as i was faced with lots of challenge, ranging in most complicated domain which i would have love to talk about( not being petty).

So these are the 3 goals i have met so far

1- Being Able To Locate And Rent My Own Home

IMG-20220912-WA0000.jpg[At my apartment]

My citizenship is Cameroon and i come from the Northwest region of my country. Due to the ongoing crisis in the region and lots of insecurity, i had no choice than to leave the region as i was unable to work on every single day due to the problem of insecurity and ghost town days.

On most national days and events there's a total lock down somethings a week go to a month. So citizens in this part of the town are really going through lots of hard times.

On the fifth of january 2022, i left Bamenda town to the economic capital of Cameroon, Douala(Litoral region). As we all know starting up affresh is not that easy especially going into a new town for the first time. So it was a tough fight for me.

Within the 1st 3 months of my stay here, i patch up with a friends, of which the living condition was not that easy. So i pledge to myself i was going to get my own place in the next 2 months.

I put in have work and started working in double shift and by june 10 2022, i was able to raise money to get a comfortable and conducive studio for myself.. I'm proud of how deep i went to achieve this goal.

2- Open Up My A MIni Restaurant

IMG-20220912-WA0002.jpg[ Advert board for yummy restaurant- ]location

This part is interesting. Like i said above relocating is not that easy and re-establishing is a big deal too. After getting my house i was still not satisfied with the results i had, so i went further to look for more better ideas to keep my income flow.

After collective research i came out with business plan to start a small eatery and later transform it to a large scale restaurant. Everything when well except for getting the finances.

I Draw the estimated budget for a startup and it was rallying Approximately 2 millions frs in steem value gives. 12820 steem.

[Open hour morning ]

At the present i had just 800000 frs in steem 5128 steem budget for the business but then i went further together with the help of my bro, i got a loan from the bank to complete the budget.

Finally i got the business place and to minimise cost i did the renovation and designs myself right up to the carpentry part of it. On july 10th business place was launched.

3- Attending A Reputation Of > 60 And 300 Sp on Steemit In 2 Months

[Target SP Achieved ]location

Now this is one of the most tragedy i face on my way up. Thanks to this engagement i now get to share with you guys as well. I join steemit in june 2021, through an invite from @chiabertrand.

Due to work schedule at the time i wasn't able to work and catch up with blogging. I Love the steemit idea, but i had to pause and regroup as it was introduce to me when i was badly caught up with lots on my choices.

So during the summer holidays, this june 2022, i came back and continue from where i left.,one year ago. Starting up affresh wasn't going to be easy as I just had complete just my achievement 3 at the time.

So without regrets I took the bull by it horn and continue from achievement for up to 5.2 presently, hoping to round up the rest soon.

I made a pledge to myself to reach an SP of 300 and reputation of above 60 in 3 months. At the beginning I had just 5 SP and 2.5 SBD so I converted my SP to Steem and it gave 34 steem which permit me to belong to #club5050

From here I was now able to participate in contest and I achieve my goals within the set time frame and even more.

What Were My Experience In These 3 Achievements?, What Teachings Did It Leave Me?.
  • I will say I had a positive vision for better life that's why I was able to get the house so quick In a short time frame and all this came about as a result of hard work, discipline and big dreams.

From this scenario I learn that everything is achievable so far as we believe, not quite and work fiercely toward our goals.

  • Setting up a new business in a different towns plus getting a loan to complete the budget is not a days job. Even after launch business was so slow for the fact that it's a new place and many people are not used to the place already.

There are days way business is slow but I am thankful for the fact that I repay the loan already and I don't have to worry to much. So big lesson here is some risk are worth taking and we net to let our goals scare us enough if it's a big goal.

  • Coming to steemit, starting over, I had to make new connections, discover new people and gain recognition, it wasn't easy attaining it but I tried and today I get tag almost all times on different engagements . Plus I surpass my expect reputation up to 64 rep.

So I discover, so far as you believe, you can achieve, the only thing left is to get to work and get it done. It works for me so do you.

What Are Those Three Goals I Want To Achieve? And How Do I Want To Achieve Each Of Them?
1- Hitting An SP Of 1000 + Before 18/09/2022

[My current SP ]location

The motivation here comes as last month 18 /08 / 22, I was able to pledge on my behalf, to reach an SP 1000+ this September 18 and I have being working so hard to achieve this goal.

In the previous weeks I have made weekly power ups to attain my goal and behold I closing up gradually. I have been participating and winning mini contest on the platform and also I have constantly engage weekly in the challenges.

To attained this goal I have improve on the quality of my content post to gain high curation rewards and also make sure I emerge victorious in the engagement and it is working already. I got high curation vote in the previous weeks and also emerge winner 4x so far.

My pledge expires next week and I believe I will be able to rally 1100+ SP as the week runs out.

2- Open A Fashion Store

I am not done yet with investment as I look forward to opening a fashion store where people could get all variety and design of clothes and shoes they want.

I am a love of fashion an it has always been my dream to get a store of that nature, plus I admire modeling and I want to set and example of using my own products to achieve my goal .

This is not going to be easy but I have began putting things in place to make it happened. I am working hard as usually and I believe hard work pays off.

3- Buy A Piece Of Land And Later Construct On It.

Like I said earlier I move into a new town and I am already settling in it already. But there is one big problem I still faced rents and bills.

For those who have purchase an apartment in the city and especially a populated city like this one should know what I'm talking of. House rents are high bills are high

My plan is get a plot and construct on it so as to free from this extra bills. It consumes income a lot and when you earn low, it becomes a problem.

To achieve this I have open up a savings account and dropping a significant amount in it. So in the nearest future, I will get into action.

When I Feel That I Cannot Achieve Something: What Is My Motivational Message?

There is this self drive in me that keeps me going. Let me share it now. "I always believe nobody Is better than me". Simply there are doing something I'm missing out and I go for it to do like them and even doing it this time with modifications.

Also I believe that nothing is impossible, and failure disappointment are tools to success, so I never stop trying till I win and I will win some day.

So if anyone out there is going through hard times, regrets, disappointment, I got this message for you hold on because your sun will shine soon.

Finally I conclude by saying I'm happy to share with you my friends my goals and desire activeness hoping someone out there gets inspired by my work.
It's not to late to overcome guys; never give up

I currently invite the following persons to jointly participate with me.

@sahmie and

25% to @null

Author: @rafk

 2 years ago 

friend, great achievements require a lot of effort, the truth is that it is difficult to start from scratch, it is something that I know for sure. I hope that you can soon achieve your entrepreneurial projects and have your own home. good participation, Greetings.

Thanks for your support Bro


Hi, @rafk,

Thank you for your contribution to the Steem ecosystem.

Your post was picked for curation by @graceleon.

Please consider voting for our witness, setting us as a proxy,
or delegate to @ecosynthesizer to earn 100% of the curation rewards!
3000SP | 4000SP | 5000SP | 10000SP | 100000SP

 2 years ago 

I have no doubt that you will achieve what you have planned, you already have a comfortable place to live, your own business and you have paid off the loan.

Keep it up and without a doubt you will have that land faster than you imagine, my advice to you is:

Enjoy the process.

Thanks so much ma'am 😊

I put in have work and started working in double shift and by june 10 2022, i was able to raise money to get a comfortable and conducive studio for myself.. I'm proud of how deep i went to achieve this goal.

Yes, with working hard you can be able to accomplish whatever you want to, at least I learnt that now.
Thank you very much dear.
Good luck

Thanks for your support and well wishes 😊

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo como estas, me encantó leer tu participación del Challenge, mucha suerte.

Thanks for your support sir

With all honesty, you have some nice goals of which you achieved, it is like most young men would.. Then comes the want to achieve goals, well I definitely know you would achieve them all too. Good luck friend. But when is the marriage own? I didn't see that one. Lol 😆

Marriage is a story of the future future Bro 😂

I wanted to be sure its part of the goals. Lol 😆

 2 years ago (edited)

Great to hear about your goals. It's great that you achieved your goals and thanks for sharing your goals with us. You have presented your goals very well in the Engagement Challenge. Thanks for sharing with us. Good luck to you

Thanks so much ma'am 😊..

 2 years ago 

Me alegra ver como con esfuerzo y dedicación usted ha ido alcanzando sus objetivos; primeramente saliendo de la zona de conflicto para lograr mejoras laborales, y posteriormente alquilando una casa propia.

Es bueno ver que pudo obtener los recursos para montar su propio restaurante; espero le vaya muy bien y pronto también pueda iniciar con su tienda de ropa.

Estoy seguro que con su dinamismo y compromiso dentro de poco podrá alcanzar sus primeros 1000 SP dentro de la plataforma.

It's not easy but I tried and it worked sir. I'm grateful

Thanks for your kind support 🙏🏼

Saludo amigo que buen logro sigue así creciendo, vas muy buen éxito y bendiciones.

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