
Good day great people of RECREATIVE STEEM family! It a great honour and privilege to be a participant in this great contest. I want to appreciate the management of this great platform especially @hive-141434 and @graceleon for this great opportunity to write about our adventure with our friends.

Our stories won't be complete if they are not filled with adventures, life experiences that brings learning to us, experiences that makes us stronger, better and wiser than we were before meeting them.

The lastest adventure I had with my friends began in March 10 2021, when we went to serve our nation under the umbrella of National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). It is a scheme that brings every graduated youth in my Country together. When we came for the program, after the orientation course we were posted to a strange village where we were expected to serve our Nation.


The place we were posted to was a land that does not understand the language we speak, that is English language, the Lingua Franca of the land was strange to us. When we entered the land it was as though we won't survive, because we were expected to spend one year in the land teaching their children various subject in their schools.


When we arrived the land we were welcomed with their local food which was very strange to us, we didn't know how to eat the food because we are new to it. Infact, we were three that was posted to the village, my two other friends began to complain and display their displeasure as soon as we arrived the place. I had to start consoling them, making them see reasons with me on why we should stay in the land, but the truth of the matter is that inside me I was not really happy, but as the one consoling my friends I had to hide my displeasure so as to win my two friends. They finally agreed to stay and we began our National assignment in earnest.


The first day in the school was something else, after preparing a wonderful lesson note to teach the Children, we came into the class to discover that language was a serious barrier, because they were seriously not understanding what we were saying.


We continued patiently with the people of the land, with time we started adapting to the land, we started learning their language, we started enjoying their food and the people fell in love with us. We learnt how to cook in their local fire.


When the time came for us to leave the land they organized a huge sent forth party for us, they made us feel like Kings and Queen.


We became emotionally drawn to the people to the extent that they wanted us to stay more with them and not to go, but we had to go because our time was up.

Our adventure was really fun because we went to different places in the village and saw different things.


Thanks for this opportunity once again, I really want to say more, but the rule of the contest says a maximum of 300 words.

Thank you for your time here.

Best Regard;



Muy buen post amigo, tus fotografías son geniales. Éxito!

 2 years ago 

Oh, qué emocionante! disfruté mucho leyendo tu post, amigo!!

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 2 years ago 

It's a beautiful experience, friend. Above all his dedication to work. They did not give in to a barrier as important as language and, in the end, their mission ended happily. Greetings from Venezuela.

Thank you sir
Greetings from Nigeria

At first everything was complicated but the ending was happy, there are times when we have to adapt to new changes that many times we see as bad, but later we realize that everything has its purpose.

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