A look at Learning processes and the two main methods of learning (Classical and Operant conditioning)| #lifestyle #science #education

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago

Good day everyone hope we are all doing good, and we'll.
Today I want to talk a little about Learning and the two popular method and experiment carried out by two great psychologists.

  • Learning

First what is learning? Learning is a relatively permanent change or addition in ones knowledge or behavior as a result of noted experience and practice.

Another important thing to know is that learning is inevitable and it happens right from birth till death. There is something called Tabula Raza meaning “not knowing anything at birth but starts to learn overtime, and everything he learns is written on the blank slate in someone's mind” .

Learning doesn't have to be in form of western education, their are different kinds of learning, like learning to eat, cook, and their are something's we don't have to learn from people because they come to us directly as a form of survival, example is that we don't teach a kid how to breath.


  • Classical Conditioning

This is the work of Ivan Pavlov and he his called the father of classical Conditioning because he was the one that carried out the experiment that brought about classical conditioning.

Classical conditioning is a kind of learning or behavioral teaching method whereby an unconditioned or active stimulus is paired with a conditioned/ inactive or neutral stimulus to get a conditioned response.

What this basically means is that we can pair something that someone like and something they don't hate nor like together to get the same response they would give when they give them the thing they like without minding what was added to it.

Ivan pavlov got to know about this with the experiment he carried on his Dog. Let's look at the experiment to get a better understanding.

  • Ivan noticed anytime he comes to feed his Dog, it always salivate at the cite of the meat, so he thought about ringing a bell and see if they would salivate, so he rang the but the dog didn't salivate like it did when it saw the dog.
    So he decided to pair the bell and the meat together, so everyday he would ring the bell first then present the meat , then he noticed after a while by just ringing the bell the dog begins to salivate without even seeing the meat. Tbis means that the dog has being conditioned to salivating to the bell because it knows that the meat comes after the bell sound.

    So that's basically what Classical Conditioning by Ivan Pavlov is all about and I hope we understand that know.


  • Operant conditioning

Was brought by B.F Skinner and it's about how we can learn or teach someone by adding rewards and punishment to the person behavior.
What this means is that we can correct teach someone how to act by either rewarding the when they do good or punish them when they do bad.

He carried out an experiment on a rat by putting it inside a box with two levers with red and green light, so when the rat presses the green lever food will pop out, but when it presses the red lever it will receive a mild electric shock, this continued for a while till the rat learns to press the green lever anytime it is hungry and stay away from the red lever.

B.F Skinner once boasted that he should be given anyone and he would train them to become anything he wants them to be.


So that's all about the two popular method or experiment in learning processes, I hope we enjoyed this and have learnt something from these post. Thank you all see you next time.

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