Goodbye message by @papi.mati

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 years ago (edited)

I cannot publish the photo of this person without their permission, so I publish the photo of "our place"

So it's time to say goodbye. Difficult moment, which will hurt both of us - there is no need to pretend it won't. We will be suffering, maybe crying, maybe even this week none of us will be eating properly and our houses will become dusted due to lack of motivation to do anything besides lying down on the bed...

But then next week will come, and then another and another. Eventually we will notice that our 'goodbye' was not total. We might not be able to see each others or talk any more, but you are still with me and, hopefully, I am still with you somewhere there.

I can see you in every place which we made our own: here, in the park, where we used to eat the churros and talk about the big and small things, there on the way to work, which you walked with me so many times or even in my own living room, on this couch right next to me, where we used to hug and watch Netflix so often...

You are and always will be with me: when I will be running, I'll always remember how you motivated me to start doing it for the very first time, when I will see the street art, I'll remember all that hidden gems in our city you showed me. Part of you will be locked in the seascape of the Pacific, in the salty smell of the coast, in every street dog you were not afraid to pet, in this monument of two angels you told me you love because it reminds you two lovers (I will never stop seeing lovers there any more), in the taste of yoghurt with the mint and sound of Cueca.

I can promise you, every time I'll see or experience any of that things, I'll think about the time I've spent with you. I'm sure the time will make me remember the good things only. Small fights and misunderstandings won't ever be as important as all the smiles you gave me, this feeling of being safe, appreciated and understood, feeling of being in the right place with the right person, which made me believe we could stop all the world and move the mountains if we would like to. All I can ask for is that you could forgive me the bad moments and focus on the good ones too.

We will never meet again, but you can be sure that if we would, I'd be there for you. Wherever you will go and however your life will look like, remember that true love doesn't expire and once I felt in love, I booked the place in my heart for you until the last breath I'll make. So come, hug me one more time. Don't be ashamed of the tears, let's cry together. Thank you for everything you gave me, for making my life much better. No, there is no need to say 'goodbye', as I'm taking part of you with me. See you in my memories, Habibi.


@willeusz @geos90 @isaacelias

 3 years ago 

Welcome to the Recreative Steem community, we are pleased with your participation.

I really enjoyed your participation, full of love and nostalgia, of good memories that make a prelude to the resilient future that is glimpsed by the absence of that loved one.

Thank you for showing us that experience and the emotions involved, we hope to continue reading you

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your comment and for the warm welcoming. I'm looking forward to continue writing in the community and interacting with the others.


I appreciate you being part of our contest, the image you used was perfect with the story!

Thank you for sharing part of your feelings and experiences with us, your story is very touching and you were very creative in the way you told it, we hope to see you more often here, it has been a pleasure to read you!

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much, I am glad you enjoyed my publication. I'll definitely write more in the community.

We will be fascinated to continue tasting your talent!

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