Meditating on Verses: JOB: 1:20-22

in RECREATIVE STEEM7 months ago
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Job 1:20-22
At this point, Job stood up, tore his clothes, shaved his head, and fell to the ground in an attitude of worship. Then he said, “Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I must depart. The Lord has given; the Lord has removed. Blessed be the name of the Lord! Despite all this, Job did not sin or blame God.

This portion of the Bible teaches us to worship God. Naked we came to this world and naked we shall return to our creator. Job understood that life is vanity, he got a clear understanding of whom God really is.

God is the giver of everything we own, everything we possess, God owns them and has the right to take them when he wishes. We don't question God because He is God and not man.

When we were carefully put together in our mother's womb, we never entered with wealth, riches, fame, noble, or titles. We were just innocent babies that knew and owned nothing. As we gradually grew, God knew the things we need to make the world a better place for, and then he made them available.

Job knew the God he served and that was why he stood up after a long grief of his losses, and shaved is hair and worshipped God. The only thing that makes us grief over a situation for too long is not knowing the God we serve, if we know the God we serve and trust him with all we've got, then circumstances can never get to us.

I could remember that the devil came to test Job, it was never God's intention but I know God searches the heart of men and he knew how Job had trusted him that was why he told the devil to go ahead and test Job but he should make sure that his life is preserved.

You see, it means that 90% of the challenges we face, God is aware, it could be that he's just testing our faith, he wants to know if we call him father in vain, he wants to know how much we love and trust him.

This verse is so deep that we cannot finish with the explanation. With the help of the Holy Spirit, the part I shared with us here is just the head way to understanding the Bible verse.

Worshipping God in times of trouble, heartbreak, lost of a loved one, shame, reproach, bad times, bitterness, disgrace, what have you.... In all these things, God is still God and can never change.

In essence, this verse talks about worshipping God in all circumstances, even in the midst of the storm, worship God!

What practical application can you extract from the verses read?


Bad things happen to good people: This is true because; take a close look at job and his love for God, you will see that job was a true lover of God one who has unwavering faithfulness for God. So do you think he was bad somehow that was why he faced all that? No, he was a good man and God knew it, but was only testing his faith.

We must never lose our hope in God even in the midst of a storm: Job trusted even till the last point where he shaved and worshipped Him. It was not so easy with him but knowing the God he served, his hope increased and he stood back at his feet. Did you also know that the wife asked him to curse God? Who are you to curse God? Job has a deep understanding about who God is that was why he trusted.

Even in the midst of God's silence, he presence is still with us: Job fought and fought with God's silence in his suffering. He sked why over time but God still kept silent, not because he was weak, but because he still remains God. The lord is our Shepherd, he leads us through the still waters and restored our soul. He gives us courage when we are scared and comfort us when we are hurt.

Do you like the poetic language used by the author of Job? Do you find it easy to memorize or paraphrase what you read?

The book of Job is well written to the extreme. The poetic discuss of job and his friends is unique in it's own way. The lengthy conversation between Job and his friends has the consistent style of poetry, but it is a conversation between characters who has mood swings, question their motives, change their minds, and undercut each other with sarcasm 😏 .


The discussion between Job and his friends explains the painful irony of his situation. Our knowledge that Job’s suffering is as a result of a conversation between God and Satan which brought about Job’s confusion and his friends’ lecturing, as they try to understand why Job is being punished.

The summary of his friends’ argument is that misfortune only follows from evil deeds. Bildad instructs Job, “if you are pure and upright, surely then God will rouse himself for you” (Job 8:6).

The language in these passages is ironic, since, unknowingly to Job or Job’s friends, God and Satan see Job as “blameless and upright.” The interaction shows the ability of trying to understand God’s ways. The three friends and Job had a serious conversation about a situation that actually was simply a game between God and Satan.

The fault of Job and his friends lies in trying to explain the nature of God with only the limited information available to human knowledge. Who can search the deep things of God?

The poetic language was good and easy to memorize. I think I like it.

Invite 3 friends to read what you meditated on in the verses of Job and encourage them to participate too.

Hello @eliany, @mariami @manuelhooks I invite you to read through my meditation in the book of Job 1:20-22 and it would be an honour if I read your participation.



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 7 months ago 

hola mi querida @ninapenda
Bienvenida a Recreative Steem
me gusta mucho la exégesis del texto que has desarrollado con tanta nobleza; Dios no cambia, en él no hay sombra de variación; por eso es que no podemos cuestionar sus designios. Definitivamente Job estaba siendo probado como por fuego y como bien dices, hasta la esposa en su desesperación le dijo que maldijera a Dios para que se muriera y acabara con el sufrimiento; pero Job demostró que se puede sufrir y no pecar, que se puede ser probado y aprobar.

No somos nadie para reprocharle a Dios nada y esa es la gran enseñanza.

Sea en Nombre del Señor bendito.

Gracias por hacer esta valiosa exégesis.

Amen! Thank you so much ma'am!

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