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At this moment, Maria was not so sure about the next move, but she thought, “Even if I lose, I would rather be handed over to the wolves than live and see my life become more reckless.” She no longer took a sip of the alcohol; she left it on the bar. The businessmen were already fed up with the long conversation that had stopped the game. So, she sealed her statement by saying:

"I'd better head home; we'll continue this deal by tomorrow."

Maria took a taxi home, but on getting home, she met her door open and was wondering what must have happened. She didn't go in immediately; instead, she called her friend Monica to meet her up in front of her house.

When Monica arrived, she got scared just like Maria did, but she summoned courage and gently opened the door to know who was inside.

"Maria, come, it's Lucas, screamed Monica!"

Lucas is Maria's boyfriend, but Maria didn't expect to see him in her house at that hour.

"Lucas, what are you doing here?" I didn't invite you, said Maria.

"Yes, you didn't invite me, but I came to surprise you and have a drink with you, replied Lucas.

"Maria, I bet I'll take my leave now; I guess you'll be fine, said Monica."

Monica left immediately, and Maria locked her door and then faced Lucas, who was still hoping to have a drink with her, but Maria was not ready for that because she had been miserable drinking a while ago and never wished to continue.

"Lucas, please, I think you should go home. I don't want to have a drink now or later; I just want to have a cool shower and rest, Maria said."

"But why, baby, I won a contract, and I'd come over here to celebrate with you!"

"I said you should leave, Maria screamed, now!"

The door slammed immediately, and Lucas left. Maria enjoyed her cool shower and slept peacefully without uttering a word.

It's a beautiful morning with a lot of expectations, and today I will seal that deal! Maria was so happy that she had to stay out of alcohol for a while last night, and this morning she felt a lot better than other days.

Maria called the businessmen to have a short meeting with her in a coffee shop so that they could seal a deal. She took a cab to the coffee shop and waited for their arrival.

"Hello, gentlemen, you are welcome!"

"I am so sorry for yesterday; I messed it up, and I hope that I get a better chance to prove myself for this business, Maria explained.

Ok, let's get down to business. Maria explained and gave reasons why she should be the trusted one for the business, and after a long, reasonable talk, the businessmen were amazed at her proposal and promised to give her feedback on their decisions.

The next day, Maria was heading to the office when her phone rang, and she stopped by to answer her call.

Maria screamed with a loud voice of excitement because she got the contract. It was her day of joy. She called her friend Monica to share her joy, and that was the beginning of her excellence.

Maria was now convinced that alcohol can be deadly. She never went back to it; she took her life and profession seriously and never saw Lucas again. Her life became better and beautiful!


I invite @ruthjoe @pandora2010 @eliany



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Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

Thank you so much ma'am

 3 days ago 

¡Qué historia tan poderosa y conmovedora!

En ella, María demostró una valentía admirable al alejarse de lo que la hacía daño y tomar el control de su vida.

No es fácil enfrentarse a los propios demonios, nunca lo ha sido, y nunca lo será, pero ella lo hizo con determinación, y eso la llevó a un nuevo comienzo lleno de éxito y claridad.

La vida a veces nos pone a prueba, pero es en esos momentos de decisión donde descubrimos nuestra verdadera fortaleza.

Felicidades, pues, en tu escrito, elegiste el camino que la llevó a ser la mejor versión de sí misma.

¡Es una inspiración para todos nosotros!

Muchísimas gracias por participar en el concurso.

I am glad you enjoyed my story. Maria took the best decision of her life. She didn't let others control her by telling her what to do.

The best advice anyone can get for themselves is the advice they give themselves and not the one people give to them.

Thank you so much Sir!

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