"SEC S9W3: "The Diary of a Worker"

in RECREATIVE STEEMlast year (edited)


"SEC S9W3: "The Diary of a Worker"

Hello Everyone. I am @mostofajaman from Bangladesh .

SEC S9W3 The Diary of a Worker.png

Images create by canva

"The Diary of a Worker"

Hello my friends how are you all I hope you are well I am also well the contest organized today as worker day is really very important and it is like to realize the activities of people. Let's start with the details.



In the morning I woke up fresh and ready and left breakfast. My activities started from 9:00 am. I went out with my motorcycle in the morning to fix some problems with the motorcycle. Car dicks were getting jammed in front of my motorcycle. So it is very important because there is a jam any time there can be an accident. So I went to Boalia market with my motorcycle.


When I was doing my motorcycle parts repair work in Boalia Bazar. location

I took my motorcycle to the maker's shop and there the parts of my motorcycle were being disassembled and reconditioned. It is about 7 kilometers away from my house. The shop where I am repairing motorcycles is one of the motorcycle maker shops. Motorcycle repairing work is done here at easy and cheap price.


While I was working on my grass field. location

I came straight home from Boalia market with the motorcycle. After coming home I went to my grass field. I reduced the soil in the grass field and suppressed the weeds for the growth of grass. These ghats were made for cows. All the ghats have been cut and new grass will grow from the horse's roots so they must be mowed down to soften the ground. Then the insecticide should be given with water. Then the grass will grow again and will be big enough for cows to eat. At present we have one heifer cow, before we had two big cows, both of them were sold. Grass was planted for them.



When I was watering my jute field location

I came home after finishing the work of the grass field and had lunch. Then I took a little rest at home. Then we needed to water the jute land. I went there and watered the jute land for about two hours. The work of weed control in jute land has been completed. Now it is very necessary to give water so if you give pesticides with water it will grow very fast. These are a variety of crops. Various types of yarn are produced through this jute crop and are used in large quantities in the garment industry. It has a lot of demand in the market and its market price is very high but the cost of production is also very high. Every year we make this crop. Until the afternoon I watered the land and sat in the garden next door.



When I was in Boalia Bazar. location

After watering the jute field I came home and freshened up and took a little rest. Then I went to the neighboring area with the motorcycle and went to our Malta garden. You can see the road side picture of Malta Bagan. Then I again went to Boalia market. Went there and met friends and all hung out together for a while. Then in the evening before we came home, I had my village friend with me. This is how I enjoyed my busiest day.Thanks everyone stay well everyone.

Thanks to everyone who had to say so far. Everyone please pray for my family.Here is invitation @pelon53 @inspiracion, @kouba01 ,@adeljose.

With best regards,

Thank you all for reading my post. Stay well everyone. Hope you like my post.



My dear brother,

I know how hardworking you are. I have known you for a long time and you often share with us some important activities of your daily life. Irrigating the land, your presence in the engineering workshop indicates that you are a workaholic. I appreciate your periodic presentation. Good luck to you.

thanks brother for Your valuable comment.

Hi, @mostofajaman,

Thank you for your contribution to the Steem ecosystem.

Your post was picked for curation by @graceleon.

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Thanks my dear friend @graceleon.🙋‍♂️

Hi dear friend

You have shared a wonderful diary with alot of activities. Being worker we are doing alot of work during the day. I appreciate and salute the efforts of workers because they didn't have off from their work.

Wish you success

thats a really nice looking motorcycle. You seem quite like the independent one. I've always wondered what it would feel like to own a farm. As much as I'm excited about it, i would probably not give it adequate care.

I mean, my box plant at home probably hates me rn lol


seringkali pekerjaan diabaikan atau dianggap remeh oleh sebagian orang. Padahal, menghargai pekerjaan orang lain adalah suatu bentuk penghormatan dan rasa terima kasih atas kontribusi yang diberikan kepada masyarakat

আপনি ঠিক বলেছেন। ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে সুন্দর মন্তব্য লিখেছেন।

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