SEC - S12W1:"A Bedtime Story: Cinderella" ✨

Hellow My Sweet steemian friends aslam-o-alaikum. How are you hopefully everyone enjoy the Steemit engagement Challenge season 12 and week 1.😍


Hi I am Maryam Nadeem from Lahore #pakistan. Come first time to participate im amazing contest. So i will share My bed Time story about Cinderella. 😍😍so lets start.

Once upon a time, there lived a little girl in a country. The girl was very beautiful. Unfortunately, her mother died and her father remarried. The girl's stepmother was very cruel. He also had two daughters. All three of them used to oppress the poor girl and did not miss the opportunity to humiliate her.

The three called her Cinderella. After a few days, everyone started calling her Cinderella. Even her father did not remember her real name and started calling her Cinderella.
One day an invitation came to his house from the royal palace. Actually the king and queen were looking for a beautiful girl for the prince. They organized a huge feast and invited all the girls of the country.

So that the prince can tell his choice by looking at the girls.
Seeing the invitation, Cinderella's two stepsisters mocked her and said that you will not be able to go to this party because you neither have good clothes nor are you beautiful enough to go to this wonderful event. Cinderella was very sad to hear these things but she listened to everything silently.

Finally on the day of the feast the two stepsisters ask Cinderella to help them both get ready to go to the feast. Cinderella helped the two get ready. Even with lots of make-up and new clothes, she didn't look as good as Cinderella in her tattered old clothes without make-up. Seeing this, the two sisters stamped their feet in anger. She went to the royal palace.

After they left, Cinderella was sitting sad and sad when a fairy came to her and said "I am your guardian fairy. Don't be sad. You will definitely go to the feast in the royal palace." Cinderella said how could this be. Is.
I have neither good clothes nor a ride. Pari said you should quickly go to the garden of your house and break a big pumpkin and bring it.


Cinderella plucked the biggest pumpkin from her garden at the request of the fairy. The fairy took the pumpkin and waved the magic wand, so it turned into a beautiful pig. Now the fairy caught two mice from the kitchen and turned them into horses by waving the stick. After plowing the horses into the pig, the fairy got another fat one. He caught a small mouse and turned it into a snake by magic.

Cinderella stood and watched in amazement as the fairy once again waved her magic wand, now Cinderella's body was covered in a beautiful shimmering silk dress and her make-up was done.

"My dear Cinderella," said the fairy. walked towards
Cinderella was well received in the palace. People praised her beauty with open hearts. Even Cinderella's two stepsisters did not recognize her.

After some time the prince came to Cinderella and asked her "will you dance with me." Cinderella got up and went with the prince and they danced until midnight. Suddenly Cinderella remembered that it was almost twelve o'clock and At that time, the magic of the fairy will end. As soon as she remembers it, Cinderella freed her hand from the prince and ran outside. The prince tried hard to stop Cinderella, but Cinderella did not listen to him.

Seeing this, the prince also ran outside. Coming to the stairs of the palace, the prince was very disappointed because the queen of his dreams had left there. The prince did not see that there was a poor girl dressed in old tattered clothes holding a big bag in her hand. A little pumpkin was standing there and three mice were running around it. It was actually twelve o'clock at night and the fairy's spell was over.


The prince started to go back inside the palace in despair, he saw a beautiful soft and delicate shoe on the stairs, transparent and shining like glass, he picked up the shoe.
The next day the girls in every house were sitting talking about the beautiful girl who danced with the prince until midnight and after she left the prince ended the party.

Cinderella's stepsisters were also discussing the girl's fortune when there was a knock at the door. I was holding a plate and there was a delicate shoe wrapped in velvet on that plate.

She will be the prince's bride. Upon hearing this, the two stepsisters tried to wear the shoe. But their feet were so thick and ugly that the shoe did not fit on their feet. The prince asked the prince: "Shall I wear this shoe?" The prince signaled to the servant and he gave the shoe to Cinderella.

The prince looked carefully at her face and said: "Indeed, this is the queen of my dreams, whom I was searching for."
The prince asked Cinderella: “Will you marry me?” Cinderella agreed immediately. 😍😍

I hope you guys will like my story I tell this story to my kids everyday my kids love this story very much. I invite my friends to take part @goodybest @esha45 @uzma4882

Thanks 💕

Best Regards ✨

Maryam Nadeem

 last year (edited)

Greetings @maryamnadeem

I find it an excellent story, however, it is important to let you know that using content from other sources without proper citation, can be considered as plagiarism, so I see the need to inform friends of the team Recreative Steem and @Steemcurator02 who has already provided support for this publication.

Original source:

I invite you to share original content, and try to improve the reputation you have-.

Another case

@astilem, @graceleon, @steemcurator01

The story is the same if the story is changed then it doesn't go away I just took an idea a little bit but still I am very sorry I won't do this kind of thing again I'm sorry

 last year 

Your publication presents at least 95% of content copied from said source.

La cenicienta es un hermoso cuento que nos encanta😍 a mi por lo menos desde chiquita este cuento es uno de mis favoritos 😎 felicidades por tu voto en tu reto .

Walaikum Salam,
you have converted Cinderella cartoon into written form that is great. Wonderfully explained the cartoon, I have watched this movie when I was a kid.

 last year 

Hola @maryamnadeem le invito a que al participar en los Desafíos lo haga con contenido Original, el Plagio es penado en la Plataforma.


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