Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W2: Heathly Routines by @madilyn02

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago (edited)


Our life, staying healthy, and looking good is our own responsibility. It is left for us to choose our routine and our choices and our routine everyday will reflect on our life and wellbeing.
According to one study, many health problems are as a result of personal lifestyle choices. Making the right choice of routine everyday leads to better health and well being.

Through the course of my participation in this contest, I'll be sharing with you the activities I do to maintain a healthy routine everyday as required in the contest.

What moves you each day to go out into the world to fulfill your responsibilities?

My motivation for each day


I am motivated to fulfill my responsibilities because I know that what I do can contribute to my wellbeing and that of others. I believe that whatever I do affects me and other people around me. Having the mind to help and assist others moves me to get up and carry out my responsibilities.
I do my best to choose the path of productivity and contribution to myself and others.

Also I'm motivated by the new things I stand to gain for each day, such as experiences, new knowledge and discoveries etc.

What things do you do or what methods do you use to keep yourself balanced? Explain (health, beauty, fitness, sport, devotion)

Daily routines to stay balanced

AS i have mentioned earlier, the routine we choose for each day affects our life and overall wellbeing. For me I've been taught some very good routines that help me stay balanced everyday and I chose to follow them to be benefit myself.

In many aspect of my life, I try to maintain a good habit, doing everything in moderation is very good and I do my best in it.

  • Devotion

I have been taught well about devotion to our creator, Jehovah God.
Reading the scriptures everyday helps me a lot to maintain balance for each day. We read the daily scriptural text provided for us and I learn the lessons for each day.

I also attend my christian meetings where we gather together to praise Jehovah. We learn a lot from the scriptures, we learn how to maintain a good conduct, how to handle situations and many other lessons.

Attending these meetings keeps us refreshed and energized.


I also make out time to spend with my family and friends. Even though most times I'm tempted to spend all my time on the device but knowing the importance of family and friends, I try to limit my screentime to be with them.

  • Health

I'm still a youth and I know that if I maintain a good health now, I know that I'll grow to be a healthy adult.
Healthy eating habit, healthy nutrition, healthy lifestyle, all of these are what I try to be conscious of.

I try to eat more of vegetables than junk everyday, it's impossible to have a good health without a good nutrition and so I try to include fruits and vegetables to my meals.


I also try to take moderate portion of food and watch how I eat.

The above is how I maintain my physical health. I also try to maintain a good spiritual and me take health by reading good books and watching good videos to learn more. I try to fill my mind with good thoughts so as to maintain a sound mind and stay happy.

  • Fitness/ Sports


Bodily training is very beneficial for us all. Knowing this, I try to involve myself in exercise and more physical activities.
Although I sometimes do not feel like exercising, but i do my best knowing that I have a lot to gain from it. Maintaining a good exercise routine has been a challenge for me and so I found some ways to make it more fun, I try to engage in more fun physical activities like dancing and running among others...

Staying physically active now will help me to avoid some certain illnesses when I grow old, and I'll stay happier and healthier.

Other helpful routines I practice include:

  • Good personal hygiene
  • Drinking enough water
  • Maintaining a positive attitude
  • Following the direction of the physician when I get sick
  • etc.

Do you feel there are things you can improve in your routine? Mention them

Need for improvement

Exercise: As imperfect humans, there are a lot of things that we cannot get 100% right. For me I feel there is a need to improve my exercise routine.
Yes, I need to have a more regular exercise routine, some times the motivation to do it is not there and so I think that is the area that I need to work on.

Sleep: Another thing I need to improve is a better quality of sleep. It's important for all of us to have at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night but this is difficult for me. I tend to sleep late and wake up early which is not right.

Would you like to add any other routine to your life? What would it be?

Additional routine?

There is never an end to learning an new discoveries, I believe that as I grow I'll keep learning and more things will be added to my routine.
One thing I want to add to my routine is to have a good sewing workshop where I stay to make beautiful dresses for my clients. For now I'm building myself up and preparing for that future.

Are you satisfied with your current lifestyle or do you think it could be improved?


Satisfied? I'll say yes and no. Yes, because I'm contented with the things I have and are able to achieve for each day. No, because there is no satisfaction in this present system of things. There will always be a need for more and if there is a way to have more I'll be glad for that to happen.

Which of the routines you perform would you recommend?"

My recommendation


I recommend a good devotion to God and good spiritual routine which I believe is the most important. Worshipping the grand creator and living our lives each day to please him. That is what brings lasting happiness with no pain added to it.

I also recommend devotion to family, they are the most important people on our lives and they deserve our time and attention.


Each day we spend, each step we take and whatever we do matters a lot. It can contribute to our life whether negativity or positively and that is why it is very important to maintain a good routine.

I invite @stanley52, @vivigibelis, @mile16 to participate in the contest.

 2 years ago (edited)

Hi, @madilyn02

Oh great Your Participation. you are a very active young woman and aware of the things that suit you. The dance you give us is excellent, very good, Applause!!!!

We appreciate your participation in our contest.
Many blessings and good luck. We are waiting for you in the next wl



Moderador Steem Recreative

 2 years ago 

Hello thank you fir your appreciation, and good wishes for me. Greetings!

 2 years ago 

Hello Friend

You are right! We need to be motivate to do the best for our help. I like your recommendations

Good luck 👍🏻

 2 years ago 

Thank you dear friend for our good wishes. Best wishes to you too

Wonderful contest entry dear. Your healthy routines are Worth emulating. Drinking enough water is the starting point and maintaining your spiritual routine helps to satisfy your quest for spirituality. I love your dance steps with that of Fortune. I wish you success in your contest evtry

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your good wishes and appreciation, I'm happy to be maintaining a good routine both physically and spiritually

Just wow! I your routines looks just wonderful. Indeed Family is all we got, and sharing time with them is a most.
Just when I thought I have seen it all, boom! comes the dance. Congratulations 🎉 and thank you for this beauty.

 2 years ago 

I'm glad you liked my entry, thank you your appreciative words, they mean a lot

Waw! I think I will come for the dancing step exercise, you are awesome.

Staying physically active now will help me to avoid some certain illnesses when I grow old, and I'll stay happier and healthier.

This is a fact, regular exercise at the right time prevent sicknesses and diseases at old age. Keep it and good luck.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much, exercise is good for me and so I do my best in it.

Que agradable es leer que llevas una rutina devocional de orar y leer la biblia además de asistir a la iglesia.
Las rutinas que realizas son adecuadas, el ejercicio físico es importante aunque algunos no nos gustan.
Te deseo exito en el concurso
Le invito a leer mi Post
Saludos y bendiciones

 2 years ago 

Yes, I've been taught to have a good spiritual and physical exercise routine. Thank you for your good wishes for me, I wish you same

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