SEC S17W3: "Homenaje al Libro / Tribute to the Book / Colorful WorldsteemCreated with Sketch.

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago

Tell us about that book you read that changed your life.

"The Vegetarian" by Han Kang


Let me begin by saying that this book isn't aiming to persuade you to give up meat. The questions it poses are entirely different. I must admit, it both disgusted and inspired me, stabbed and stirred me. "The Vegetarian" is only two hundred pages, yet it's a complex and multi-layered novel with rich imagery and ideas.

Yeong-hye is a completely ordinary and even somewhat nondescript woman, who doesn't stand out in any way. Her life, as well as those around her, completely changes when, after a series of nightmares, she stops eating meat. She becomes a vegetarian (I'd rather say vegan). Besides the theme itself, what fascinated me was that the novel consists of three standalone novellas, each told from the perspective of a different person who is part of Yeong-hye's life and in some way plays a role in her "transformation." We can see her through the eyes of her husband, her sister's husband, and finally through her own sister, witnessing not only her struggle but also their patriarchal Korean family, for whom meat is of paramount importance.

The idea of the power of choice and whether (and to what extent) a person loses themselves while searching deeply moved me. I highly recommend reading the book!

What is your favorite literary genre and author, share the reasons.


David Mitchell is one of those authors who transcends genre limitations. An exceptional master at transporting you into fantastical worlds, historical fabrications, human relationships, the concept of time as significance, the existence and role of karma, love, and much more. Reading him requires strong concentration because his expression and thoughts are so intricately woven that I often find myself returning to previous pages to contemplate what's written and find the connections. His intellect is remarkable, and it shines through in his books. His characters are always plentiful and truly intriguing, making it impossible to get bored. And the way he jumps back and forth in time periods is so dazzling that you never want the book to end. Be sure that his books will make you contemplate and provoke many questions about human nature and the world around us. A highly talented writer whom I strongly recommend.


I enjoy almost any genre, but I definitely gravitate towards books like those by Mitchell, Orwell, Huxley, Rand, and others. I suppose I lean towards dystopian fiction and human relationships.


If you had the opportunity to write a book, what would it be about?

Certainly something related to human folly and greed and where it leads us. A dystopia with magical realism. Something that manages to touch people and make them think about not only their own future but also that of future generations. Definitely about how to preserve Earth in good condition, with all its natural resources, flora, and fauna, so that there's no need to search for other planets for humanity to relocate to.

Recommend a book to your readers on Steemit.


"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding

They come alive, but they are alone and lost. Isn't this paradise, a dream come true – abundance of fruits, drinking water; summer, a bunch of kids, and no adults to spoil the fun? William Golding puts his characters in an extreme, almost impossible situation and observes some insane, yet expected consequences while posing some questions like: What would you do if you found yourself in the wild? And if you're a child? How will you survive? Will you survive at all? Do you really think you know yourself? Are you that naive? I won't reveal what happens, I'll just urge you, if you haven't read it, to do it. There's a reason why!

i invite @charter @inber @don-t

Books have a positive influence on us and are a wonderful method for enriching our vocabulary. They are an effective and beautiful way to expand our knowledge and enrich our collective culture. Moreover, they can teach us how to better express our feelings and emotions and help us communicate better with the people around us. Through books, we experience many events and visit unique places. With them, we can be whoever we want to be – an actor, a pilot, an astronaut, and much more. People who don't read can never experience the excitement of imagining the events from the book using their imagination. And one of the most important things for me is that an intelligent and well-educated person is much more attractive than others. It's obvious that someone who can maintain a conversation on a variety of topics always captures the attention and admiration of the whole group!

Happy World Book Day! )))


I think you need to rediscover the pleasure of consuming meat products ;)

😁 thank you , hahaha


Hello friend, this particular contest have open my eyes to see and get to be introduced to a particular book we all love, and would someday write about it if giving a chance.

And yours is not exceptional has I have taken note of each books and would read them.
Good luck with the contest.

Thank you. ; )

It was very nice to read your presentation really very awesome you have given the presentation and the colors of life are because of these colors we have to resort to colors to create life because life is meaningless without them. Color is a very important part of our life and plays a very important role in life. Some colors are positive for our life, so some colors are not considered good. There are some colors which are my favorite and I like to use them too, whatever is your opinion, I am very happy to know about these colors. We have to increase our positive thinking and our thoughts to see them happy. Thank you so much.

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