SEC - S9W5: The Internet, my best ally

in RECREATIVE STEEMlast year (edited)


Am glad you're here. I pray that you all are doing well and enjoying this time with the help of the Almighty God and his blessings. I'm here today to participate in the RECREATIVE STEEM community's week 5 contest. "The Internet, my best ally" is this week's discussion topic.

●What activities do you do online?

Online activity is the term for end users' online communications with other end users. So therefore the Internet, sometimes known as "the Net" or just "the Internet," is a global system of computer networks in which users at any one computer can, with permission, obtain information from any other computer and, on occasion, communicate directly with users at other computers or end.

We perform many tasks online, and the internet has grown to be a significant part of our lives. I am one of those people who cannot go a day without accessing the internet. I utilize the internet for informational and educational purposes, as well as for business and leisure.

I first visit the Steemit platform using the internet. Steemit is a huge part of my life, and I use it daily. Even now, I occasionally spend hours perusing the Steemit network, reading various posts, and contributing information.

I use the Internet in addition to Steemit to connect with friends and watch different videos for pleasure on social networking sites like Whatsapp, Telegram, Twitter, Discord, Instagram, and many others. Additionally, I use the Internet to browse numerous lectures relating to my academics. In my life, the internet has a pretty long number of uses.

●Since what age did you start using the Internet? How much do you use it every day?

I initially used the internet when I was almost 9 years old; but, at the time, we were unable to use the internet at first but as internet get broad to people interests was actually when i started using it when am still 12 years, so due to the activities I carry out online, my ability to use the internet is now expanding. I virtually always use the internet for more than half a day.

So I use between 1 and 1.5 GB of the internet on average each day. I primarily use this internet for trade, learning, and other online activities like blogging and entertainment on social media.

●Do you have internet at home, how much does the service cost (please indicate the price in local currency and in Steem).

Yes… Freedom to move your devices around your home, anywhere within the WiFi signal range is enjoyable, without losing your connection, and access the Internet from anywhere inside the signal range. I use any of my mobile device, such as a laptop, in any room and still have access to the Internet without doing anything additional.
access to other devices on your network, such as the ability for many PCs to share a single printer without a direct cable connection.
The ability to browse the web or download apps, music, movies, and books using devices like smartphones and tablets.
Freedom from the inconvenience of setting up wired connections in various rooms.

I have a smart MIFI that connect Up to 10 Wi-Fi enabled devices, such as my smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers, game consoles, smart TVs, etc., all this my device can be connected simultaneously via the Glo LTE MiFi. I use the Glo LTE MiFi for personal, small-business, or private use at home, as well as other things.

As of the time I was writing this piece, the new MIFI price in my local nation Nigeria is approximately N13,500 which is about (92.4 steem) from all Glo Outlets.
I enjoyed my 30 days of free 30GB data upon activation. Each MiFi device will only receive this offer once.
Additional 5GB per month for 6 months only when purchasing a data plan for N5,000 or more, wow, I adore my Glo MIFI for this great benefit.

●Why do you think the internet can be harmful?

We never even consider the negative effects that the internet may have on society. We only perceive its benefits.
Users of the Internet aren't even aware of its drawbacks. People today disregard the drawbacks and negative sides of the internet.

These are some negative effects that the internet has on society.
Reduced originality and more plagiarism
The Internet is occasionally used to squander time, thy have health hazards connected to it, and there are also instances of online fraud and deceit.

What benefits has the internet brought to your life?

As we have both the good and the bad sides of the internet, the good side are briefly outlined below.
▪︎Instant access to information
▪︎Excellent communication tools
▪︎Own content dissemination
▪︎Massification of knowledge
▪︎Expression freedom
▪︎Creation of new jobs
▪︎Collaboration permitted
▪︎Process simplification
▪︎Business promotion
▪︎Makes banking and shopping easier
▪︎Provides new entertainment options.

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So let me use this opportunity to invite @davchi @gabikay and @bukkyi4u to join the engagement contest

Hola amigo, es un gusto saludarte...

Como señalas, el internet se ha vuelto parte importante de nuestras vidas, nos ofrece un amplio abanico de posibilidades, me alegra que lo uses para tus estudios, como fuente de información y entretenimiento, para estar comunicado con tus seres queridos, y además, para mantenerte activo en la plataforma.

Me alegra que tengas internet en casa es una gran ventaja poder disfrutar de este servicio en la comodidad del hogar. El internet puede ser perjudicial si lo usamos de manera indebida o sólo para el ocio.

Saludos y bendiciones.

I as well enjoy you comment on my post as regards to the benefit from internet, the internet is good and as well bad at some point


Mi estimad amigo, ud comenzó a usar el internet aun siendo niño, casualmente, a esa edad comenzó a usarlo mi hija bajo mi estricta supervisión y aun, a sus 15 años, todavía la superviso. Son diversos y extraordinarios los beneficios que consideras te ha proporcionado el internet. Saludos cordiales y éxito en tu participación!

Thank you going through my post, although i love anything partherning to online it gives me joy as well

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by Blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

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