Only Few Days Left Untill She Finally Leaves

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 years ago

Me & @nabanitad | Location : w3w

The day my girlfriend Nabanita alias @nabanitad going to the United Kingdom is coming very fast. The past few days just flew by.

As soon as she went for her visa interview, it hit me. A few days from now she would fly 7000 km away from me. I don't know when we will meet again. Maybe 1 year later or 3 years later.

Nabanita is going to study in the UK. She got admission to the University of Liverpool for Masters's degree in Data Science.

A few months ago, in January when she was applying to various colleges, it seemed that September was a long way to go. But the days were cut off a little early, I guess. We are now already in the second week of August.

It was only then when she went in for a visa interview today that I realized it. A few more days. Her flight is on September 5.

The interview was at 11:45, it was raining when we arrived in the morning.

Way to Visa Office

We arrived at the visa office fifteen minutes early. Only the interviewee was allowed inside, so I sat down under a tree outside. As I sat there, from cloudy and overcast it became more clearer as time went by.

Sky became clear

While I was sitting under the tree, I was a bit depressed. Suddenly a guy approached me and introduced himself. He said, "My name is Biplab. What time is your interview". We talked for a bit. He lives in France, doing his post-doctorate in Paris. Has been outside India since 2016. Only returned to India to take his wife with him. He has so positive attitude that after a while of talking with him I was overwhelmed.

With Biplab

We talked about Paris. I told him that I wish to visit there someday with @nabanitad. What's the culture like? Many things. We had tea together while talking.


Time flew by while we talk. Nabanita came out from the center at around 2:30 PM, after completing all the Visa work. I said goodbye to Biplab, told him if we visit Paris someday we'll meet up, and left for the railway station. Nabanitas house is 50 kilometers away from the visa office. She was exhausted. We were hungry, so we ate two cookies each.

Reached the station after 35 minutes bus ride. Then I put Nabanita on the train and returned home.

At the Station

The day went well. Every day with her is great. I was little sad too, in a few days when her visa will be approved, then the distance will be 7658 km. Not 50km like now.

15% Payout to @hive-141434

 3 years ago 

Hola @kingporos, estoy leyéndote y me pongo en tu lugar ya que es muy complicado lo que sienten, pues por un lado es genial que tu novia nabanita vaya a la universidad de Liverpool, eso es tan maravilloso, pero por el otro es muy triste que la distancia los vaya a separar, sin embargo creo que debés luchar para que la relación se mantenga a pesar de las distancias que los van a separar. Disfruta mucho junto a ella estos pocos días que le quedan y pasenla bien, el tiempo pasa rápido y están muy jóvenes. Genial que hayas ganado un Nuevo amigo que vive en París. Eres un hombre muy afortunado.
Recibe mí abrazo y mí cariño mí estimado amigo 😊🙏

 3 years ago 

Gracias @graceleon, I try to spend as much time as I can with her. The time difference will be the main issue for the first few days. I hope after a few weeks we'll resolve that too.

 3 years ago 

Hello @kingporos, I hope you enjoy these days that you have left together a lot and that you can see her again soon.

 3 years ago 

Yes. We spent as much time as we can.

 3 years ago 

Aprovecha el tiempo, realmente pasa volando @kingporos Muchos éxitos a @Nabanitad en sus estudios!

 3 years ago 

Gracias @bellana, time literally flew by.


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