"SEC - S9W5: "The Internet, my best ally"

Assalamualaikum steemians ❤️

Here we are in a new week of season 9 engagement challenge and week 4 has passed and now we are in week 5 and hopefully it will also be full of enjoyment and success for all of us.


World is a global village nowadays and it is due to internet because we can have an access to everything through internet either it is right or wrong means internet is a thing which is very beneficial at one side and on other side it can be harmful if someone use it in wrong way.

What activities I do online?

Internet nowadays is in high demand and there is nothing about which we can claim that we can do it without internet either it is about studies,either is about business or about anything else so I also consume internet everyday by doing different activities.

All the bloggers and good writers who write that blogs at steemit like me use internet because you can open this site when you have an access to internet otherwise you cannot upload your blog so for blogging I use internet first. Below are the screenshots of my profile and some of my recent blogs screenshot.


Mostly I use internet for spending my quality time with it because I always gain something from internet so with blogging activity I also check out my business activities like I have a page in which me and my partner sales customised furniture as we are customised manufacturers so for dealing with my customers I also use internet and for my business activity I always prefer Facebook because it provides you a market place in which you can show the market price of your product and these market price of products show on marketplace of others.


Internet is also best way for communication either you are communicating with your family or friends or you are communicating with your business partner or study related communication anything, if you want to communicate with others then you cannot communicate without internet so mostly I prefer to talk with my family and friends at WhatsApp and that's why I also use WhatsApp in my daily routine so these are some of my activities that I must do everyday.

From which age I start to use internet?How much internet I use per day?

My current age is 30 years and if I talk about my childhood then there was a lot trend of internet in studies as there were that trend of books at that time that's why I start to use internet from my intermediate age because my parents are very sensible and definitely they want to protect me from the harms of the internet that a children can become victim of it in a very young age due to immature age.


My actual age was 15 years old when I start to use internet because in my intermediate it was necessary for me to study by the help of internet as intermediate is a level then a student have to build concepts and without internet a student cannot research on a specific topic that's why I must need at that time so I use internet from age 15.

At that time when I start to use internet then I was very crazy about it because at that time I always try to explore something new at internet so act that time I spend almost 6 to 7 hours on internet and currently I am using internet a lot because my all working either it is about my business and it is about blogging here is incomplete without internet that's why it's my daily need and I am spending 8 to 10 hours daily at internet.

Do I have internet services in my home and what's the cost of internet services?

Yes it's very definite that I have internet services in my home because it's my daily need and one of my necessories of life and nowadays it's a necessary for everyone. I have Wi-Fi services in my home and Alhamdulillah I have a Wi-Fi with a good speed and with a reasonable price.


Wi-Fi services have a fix cost per month so the cost of Wi-Fi depends upon your speed means if you buy good services with a good speed of Wi-Fi then the cost will be more and vice versa so as I have good Wi-Fi services that's why I am saying 3500 PKR per month and these are about 55 STEEMS.

Why internet can be harmful?

Internet have too much advantages but it can also be dangerous and harmful in many ways so it all depends upon the use in which way we are using it because benefits and drawbacks are present in all things but most of the drawbacks of the internet are:

  • Children maybe easily by the different ads at internet.
  • Kids may also be a victim of pornography.
  • Some people me also misuse it while doing Cyber crimes.
  • Children can have an access to any kind of material even if it is restricted for children age less than 18 years old.
What benefits internet brought to my life?

There are several benefits which Internet brought to my life. Through internet I can access everything which I want to know about within seconds and that's why it really proves that this world has become a global village nowadays.

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Internet facility brought a very positive change in my life that I can contact with anyone and communicate with anyone about everything which I want and not only communication I can also place order for different products means I can do online shopping by the use of internet so life has become very easy from the time I start to use internet.

Sometimes we feel that's life is too much boring but internet is a source of entertainment for all of us and we can have an access to comedy show and our favourite show, movie or drama which will like for the entertainment purposes so from every point of view internet brings a positive change in my life.

I want to invite here @josevas217 , @wilmer1988 , @m-fdo
Thank you ❤️

The Internet has its good sides as well as its bad sides. So we should follow the good aspects and use it.

It is very good to hear that internet connection is available very easily and good service is being provided in your country. In fact, as the use of the Internet increases worldwide, it is becoming more accessible everywhere.

Anyway, you participated in the contest very well, best of luck to you.

I agree that with the passage of time internet is becoming more accessible as it is a need for everyone and every activity of today is incomplete without it.

Thanks for a valid comment on my post it means a lot for me.


Interesting story you shared with the reader about the current engagement challenge of the week. I like the way you presented your connection to the internet and how it is your best ally.
I am in the competition too.
All the best for the qualification.
In your opinion, what makes the monthly access to internet so cheap in Pakistan compared to Nations around the world?

For me, now the internet has really become a primary need, not just as long as it exists. At certain moments the need for internet can shift the position of primary needs...maybe because the times have become the needs of the times, have a nice day. regards

Greetings @khursheedanwar
Internet is the latest version of modern technology in science advancement. The amazing progress made in data exchange using computers with satellite technology is called Internet.

And through this it has been possible to collect the whole world in one gland. Not only that, the changes in people's lifestyles due to internet technology are enviable.

Thank you very much for your informative publication and wish you success in the competition.

 last year 

El internet es un aliado muy útil amigo el cual debemos de darle el buen uso para nuestro beneficios ya que allí podemos tener todo tipo de información en especial mantenernos comunicados con nuestros familiares que esten lejos.

Usando el internet podemos investigar y saber todo lo necesario y nos mantiene al día en todo tipo de información.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Waiting for your participation 👍
Thanks for valid comment

El internet es muy beneficioso porque a través de él podemos hacer nuestras compras transferencias bancarias desde la comodidad de nuestro hogar así como realizar diferentes investigaciones. Y también nuestro trabajo sin embargo también tiene sus desventajas las que tienen en las que tenemos que tener cuidado con el tiempo que pasamos tras las pantallas

 last year 

Hello friend, how good the internet in your territory is very good and you use it without limitations. Here in my country it is a bit insecure, when we need it to upload images and make our post, we look bad.

Thanks for sharing with us.

Your welcome 😃

After a long time your writing came before me. Your writing is always neat and beautiful. This time is no exception. Thank you for presenting us with your thoughtful opinion.


Thanks for your visit

Thank you for sharing your perspective, @Khursheedanwar ! You've highlighted a crucial point about the indispensability of the internet in today's world. It has become an integral part of various aspects of our lives, including education, business, and much more. It's fascinating to hear that you engage with the internet daily through various activities.

It's interesting to learn about your journey with the internet, particularly how it wasn't as prevalent during your childhood compared to the prominence of books at that time. It's evident that your parents played a crucial role in guiding your internet usage and protecting you from potential harms. Their sensibility in recognizing the risks children can face due to their young age and immaturity is commendable.

As the internet continues to shape our lives, it's important for individuals and parents alike to stay informed about its potential dangers and take measures to ensure a safe online experience. It's heartening to see that you are mindful of these concerns and have adapted your internet usage accordingly.

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