SEC S17W3 || A tribute to book

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago

Assalamualaikum steemians

SEC S17W3 A tribute to a book.png

Tell us about that book you read that changed your life.

Holy Quran Is one of the most religious and Holy book of religion Islam. My personal belief is that Holy Quran which is my religious book has changed my life from every perspective and as help me to improve my lifestyle and some changes which were required.

Holy Quran first of all have improved level of loyalty and love for humanity and taught me to always speak truth in life whatever the situation is because telling the lie is root of every evil and Holly Quran have described in a very respectful way the importance of each and every relationship so all these things have positively changed my life.

What is your favorite literary genre and author, share the reasons.

Poetry is my favourite literary genre because I believe that poetry is something that can give you deep meanings and deep concepts in few words. Poetry is also my very favourite because of its proper rhythmic style.

My favourite author is Khalil ur Rahman because he have written a lot of poetry as well as he is also have written drama serials but my favourite poet is john elia because there is a high level of depth present in his words

If you had the opportunity to write a book, what would it be about?

If in my life I have a chance to write a book then I would write it on humanity because I think it new generation it is very important to develop for humanity as with the passage of time I am observing that new generation are getting away from these things.

The title of my book would be most probablyHumanity and it's importance. I would really love to write it in my native language for people of my country especially,which is Urdu so that everyone may understand it very well.

Recommend a book to your readers on Steemit

Holy Quran is my one and only recommendation to everyone because this book has variety of knowledge about practical life and this book is very knowledgeable because it covers each and every respect of life.

I believe that people who would read this book and would understand it and would also implement this book at their life can never get failure and they would always be successful by following its teachings.

I want to invite here @kouba01,@eliany,@artist1111,@goodybest



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 3 months ago 

Espero sinceramente que en algún momento de mi vida en que me encuentre revisando títulos de libros, ya sea en una biblioteca, en una librería o en la web, me tope con este:La humanidad y su importancia. En seguida me detendré a leerlo porque estoy seguro de que será un libro fascinante, ya que la loable intención de su autor cuando decidió escribirlo, merece todo el aprecio que podamos brindarle. Éxitos, amigo...

This is really one of the most interesting thing that you would really love the title and the content about humanity and its importance and you would be in library then this book title can be inspired for you.

Thanks for wishing me success 😌

 3 months ago 

You are not the only one who has such opinion about Holy Quaran. In fact I have also studied this book even if I did it in a translated version.

Holly Quran have described in a very respectful way the importance of every relationship so all these things have positively changed my life.

When you say this, it's completely true.

Hope you enjoyed the Holy Quran and liked its sayings.

Thank you.I an happy that you are also impressed by holy Quran teachings 👍

Dear @khursheedanwar,,Greetings to this contest,,

Al-Qur'an is the holy word of Almighty Allah, which was revealed to the greatest human being of all time, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, over a period of 23 years. Al-Qur'an is undoubtedly the best book in the world where all the laws of human life are mentioned.

Today in the digital generation everything is available at hand, say programming or robotics or say space science, the knowledge of the current generation is outstanding. But there is only one thing that is lacking that is humanity. Therefore, through the humanity book that you want to write, I pray to the Almighty Allah that the present youth society practices humanity.

I wish you the best in this competition. stay well

•Best Regards

Thank you for your extensive comment and for understanding all answers explained by me in such an extensive wah

It’s my pleasure dear sir.💖

Stay blessed 💕

Take love dear🥰

Greetings dear @khursheedanwar

After reading your post, my faith was renewed, as you told about our Islamic book, there is really no doubt, then it is a complete code of life and it guides our life completely in every matter, the whole human being. Equality teaches the lesson of brotherhood and brotherhood. We can benefit from it. If we study it daily, we get the reward of ten good deeds for one letter. As we read this, our life will be refined, now we will be famous not only in this world but also in the hereafter. Will take care

Learning and understanding holy Quran is a great way to make our faith stronger than before.

Holy Quran is first priority of mine that deserves tribute.

Hello @khursheedanwar hope you are having a good day and good to know that Holy Quran means to you. It's clear that it's changed your life in many ways, teaching you about truth, loyalty, and love for others. Your recommendation of the Holy Quran as a guide for life is powerful and shows how much you believe in its teachings.,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

Thank you sister for being here at my post .

I'm happy that being a Muslim you also have a believe that Holy Quran is one and only book on Muslims tribute it first.

You really like my recommendation of holy Quran reading to everyone.

Thanks for wishing me success 😊

Hello dear, I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life.
I completely agree with you, reading poems increases the vocabulary and secondly, they contain such words through which we can explain our thoughts well.

Best of luck , may you achieve wealth , health , success and prosperity in your life Greetings from my side . Have a nice day .

Thank you for most wonderful comment thanks for loving my choice related to literary genre.

Thanks for wishing me good luck 🙏

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