My Experience with Mathematics

in RECREATIVE STEEM11 months ago (edited)

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This field of study needs one to have logical reasoning so as to understand its rigorous methods used in solving problems in different area of the study like statistics, geometric, calculus or algebra etc. The idea of mathematics provides ways to create models, solve problems, describe and quantify, innovate and invent and also develop theories.

Being that mathematics means different thing to different people despite its concept, some people have a strong affinity for mathematics while some don't want to have anything to do with mathematics. Stay tune as I share my experience in the study of this knowledge.

• How good was he at math? Was it difficult for you to learn them?

During my school days, there were subjects I was good at and it was definitely not mathematics. I wasn't good at it because of my experience. My maths teacher was a strict and a bully type, he wasn't competent in maths but expect us (his students) to know the topic he's teaching for that day. This is why I was not good at maths and I find it difficult to learn because i didn't start on the right foot.

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• Share an anecdote while you were studying this area of ​​knowledge.

One faithful day during our maths class, the teacher came in to teach us quadratic equation and that was my first time and also the class first time of hearing such word, so we were so excited and amazed that we're going to study something new but suddenly he start asking the class questions like: what is quadratic equation and how can one solve it. As at that point no one said anything, with his nature he started abusing us and at the tell end he said: "Take that as an assignment"😁😁😁 that was so funny that after he left my classmates started mimicking him.

• Do you remember any topic that was easy for you to understand? Which was the most complicated?

Although maths is very difficult and requires much effort for one to understand, I manage to understand the basic arithmetic which has help me in my daily life.
I found quadratic equation to be the most complicated topics as far as maths is concern, because I didn't have a teacher that could teach to my understanding.

• What do you think is the importance of mathematics in everyday life?

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Even with how complicated and robust mathematics may look, it has a crucial role to play in our daily life although it is just a subject taught in school. In our everyday lives or I would say in my everyday life, mathematics has the following importance:

  1. Cooking: when cooking maths helps me know how many cups of water I will be needing to cooking my 3 cups of rice, and the amount of ingredients I will be using.
  2. Financial management
  3. When purchasing goods I can give the righ amount and also get the right change if any.

Although maths is difficult to understand, it helps alot especially in our day to day lives and also organise our lives well.

Am inviting @roohbee @celebliss and @abiphil to also share their views on this contest.


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Hola amiga @kesybliss es lamentable leer y entender que las matemáticas como ciencia tiene poca aceptación en los estudiantes de básica por la poca motivación que reciben de los Docentes y luego observamos la poca aplicación metodológica que se realiza aún cuando en la cotidianidad es indispensable.

Las bases de un buen conocimiento de las Matemáticas será un fundamento sólido en el desarrollo intelectual de las personas cualquiera sea su Especialidad Académica y ésta debe comenzar en la Escuela Básica, sin cuestionamiento, ni colocándola como lo más difícil del mundo.

Mi mensaje a los jóvenes siempre fue: estudien, practiquen, si se puede, son procesos y métodos que al aplicarlos nos llevan a resultados específicos como 2+2 es igual a 4... así desde lo más sencillo a lo más complejo.

Saludos cordiales.

Thanks ma'am for taking time to go through my post, i appreciate your contribution and i wish and hope that the likes of my teacher will make things right by committing themselves their work so that we might take from the and start studying on our own as you said.

 11 months ago 

De acuerdo a su experiencia nos recuerda lo importante que son los maestros, que estos tengan buenas formas de enseñanzas y motiven a los estudiantes en áreas que le resultan complicadas como las matemáticas. Seguramente desde ese día no has olvidado la ecuación cuadrática.

¡Gracias por compartirnos tu experiencia con las matemáticas!

Participante #3.

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